Remove nurse limbs in stages, starting with just stubbing them about half way, 
cutting off the growing tips makes energy go to the limb graft, the horizontal 
nurse limbs are not a big problem, concentrate on the vertical nurse limbs,, I 
also attach 3 foot bamboo to the limb  and graft with black vynal tape as the 
the graft union is very weak until they  harden off over the winter, doing this 
some of the more vigorous grow a meter or more, this way am testing new 
seedling varieties, some will fruit in 2 years, some never. remove the nurse 
limbs completely in March only if the limb grafts have grown enough to feed the 
tree, watch carefully for Jap beetles as tthey will destroy your limb grafts 
overnite, paint the graft unions with white latex paint so you can find them 
for sure later, I have done thousands of these in search of the the new 
seedling that will take the place of Honey Crisp, 4 of my new apples varieties 
are available at Stark Bros Nursery, for sale to anyone, no restrictions.. Hope 
this helps,  PS visit and check your grafts about ever 7 days. Lee Elliott, 
Upstart Nursery, Winchester, Illinois
On Sat, 7/7/18,  <> wrote:

 Subject: apple-crop Digest, Vol 67, Issue 2
 Date: Saturday, July 7, 2018, 11:00 AM
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 Today's Topics:
    1. Nurse limb removal? (Jon
    2. Re: Nurse limb removal?
 (Hugh Thomas)
    3. Re: Nurse limb removal?
 (David Doud)
 Message: 1
 Date: Fri, 6 Jul 2018 13:43:21 -0400
 From: Jon Clements <>
 To: Apple-Crop discussion list <>
 Subject: [apple-crop-2] Nurse limb
 Content-Type: text/plain;
 Anybody have an opinion (or expertise?)
 on when is the best time to remove
 nurse (limbs) on top-worked trees?
 Obviously want to push the grafts, so do
 the nurse limbs take away energy? I
 guess I want to say they should/could
 be removed during the upcoming dormant
 season, but what about cutting them
 off now? Most of the grafts have grown
 one to two feet by now now...
 JMCEXTMAN (aka Jon Clements)
 413.478.7219 Verizon
 413.378.3068 Project Fi
 UMass Cold Spring Orchard
 393 Sabin Street
 Belchertown, MA  01007
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 Message: 2
 Date: Fri, 6 Jul 2018 13:11:55 -0600
 From: Hugh Thomas <>
 To: Apple-crop discussion list <>
 Subject: Re: [apple-crop-2] Nurse limb
 Message-ID: <>
 Content-Type: text/plain;
 My gut feeling, not based on any
 science I know of, just a few years of kicking dirt around,
 is too leave them until dormant, so that they can help with
 photo timing in the fall and the senescence will put back
 some nutrients. Just sayin'....
 Sent from my iPhone
 > On Jul 6, 2018, at 11:43 AM, Jon
 Clements <>
 > Anybody have an opinion (or
 expertise?) on when is the best time to remove nurse (limbs)
 on top-worked trees? Obviously want to push the grafts, so
 do the nurse limbs take away energy? I guess I want to say
 they should/could be removed during the upcoming dormant
 season, but what about cutting them off now? Most of the
 grafts have grown one to two feet by now now...
 > Thanks.
 > Jon
 > -- 
 > JMCEXTMAN (aka Jon Clements)
 > 413.478.7219 Verizon
 > 413.378.3068 Project Fi
 > UMass Cold Spring Orchard
 > 393 Sabin Street
 > Belchertown, MA  01007
 > apple-crop mailing list
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 Message: 3
 Date: Fri, 06 Jul 2018 17:01:53 -0400
 From: David Doud <>
 To: Apple-crop discussion list <>
 Subject: Re: [apple-crop-2] Nurse limb
 Message-ID: <>
 Content-Type: text/plain;
 I often pinch the growing tips on the
 nurse limbs to encourage vigor in the graft - lots of
 hormonal things going on with growing tips - if the nurse
 limb is threatening to overwhelm the graft I?ll remove some
 or all of it - 
 > On Jul 6, 2018, at 1:43 PM, Jon
 Clements <>
 > Anybody have an opinion (or
 expertise?) on when is the best time to remove nurse (limbs)
 on top-worked trees? Obviously want to push the grafts, so
 do the nurse limbs take away energy? I guess I want to say
 they should/could be removed during the upcoming dormant
 season, but what about cutting them off now? Most of the
 grafts have grown one to two feet by now now...
 > Thanks.
 > Jon
 > -- 
 > JMCEXTMAN (aka Jon Clements)
 > 413.478.7219 Verizon
 > 413.378.3068 Project Fi
 > UMass Cold Spring Orchard
 > 393 Sabin Street
 > Belchertown, MA  01007
 > <>_______________________________________________
 > apple-crop mailing list
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