My site is located in central Minnesota.

The winter of 90-91 was preceeded by warm dry fall conditions. Then no snow at 
all when the temps. went to -35F. I lost every M7 and M9 on the place. The B118 
trees didn't even know it was cold. M26 also fared well.

Sence that time, a large percent of the trees are on B118. Its not used on 
large trees like Cortland, Zestar, etc. My complaint is the tree is too large, 
but that's far better than dead in the spring. I have found the fruit to be 
smaller than trees on M26 so its not as good a choice on a small fruited 
variety like haralson. M26 is having replant issues on my site.

B9 has also tested hardy at my site. brittle graft unions is the biggest issue 
here. Because of replant fears, this stock has only been used where trees were 
removed more than 5 years.


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