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IPM Voice Update

February 22,  2012

Administration Proposes Major Reorganization of IPM Programs: Level Funding 
The 2013 National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) budget submitted by 
is the most significant change in IPM programs in many years.  The 2013 USDA 
builds on successful efforts by IPM Voice and the National Alliance of 
Crop Consultants (NAICC) to protect IPM funding.  Last year IPM Voice and NAICC 
successfully secured $3.6 million more than USDA requested.  The 2013 USDA 
includes almost all of these increases.

Proposed Program Changes

The base NIFA IPM research program, Extension IPM funding, Regional Pest 
Centers and the Minor Crop Program (IR-4) are combined in a new program called 
"Crop Protection Program." Expert IPM Decision Support System, IPM & Biological 
Control, Pest Management Alternatives and Smith-lever 3(d) Pest Management are 
into the consolidated budget as well.

In recent USDA NIFA budgets, the typical text related to many IPM line items has
 been "this program will now be funded by the NIFA budget as a whole."  The 
2013 budget is the clearest affirmation of the importance of IPM in many years. 
For the fullest description available of what USDA envisions go to  
page 17-81.

Budget Changes

About 70% of the funds in the new Crop Protection Program come from the IR-4 and
 the IPM Extension programs. The balance is from the Regional Centers and the 
IPM research program budget.

Here's a summary:


The request for 2013 for the combined program is $29.056 million.

* The request is about 11% ($2.9 million) more than the Administration requested
 in 2012.
* The request is about 2.6% ($700,000) less than Congress provided to IPM and 
last year. Overall, the proposed NIFA budget is down 6%.
* The Methyl Bromide Alternatives program is merged into the new Crop Protection
 Program.  If Methyl Bromide Alternatives continues to be funded at last year's 
level of $1.996 million, funds for the other IPM items will be cut 9% compared 
last year's Congressional budget. (USDA did not request funds for Methyl Bromide
 research in 2012.)
* USDA's 2013 request for IPM is 25% less than in 2010.  Since 2000, NIFA's 
overall has gone up 16% while IPM has gone down 35%. These disturbing trends are
 why IPM Voice was founded.
* There are no funds for the IPM PIPE program in spite of the fact that the USDA
 budget document reports it has saved farmers $1 billion (p. 17-100).  IPM PIPE 
was last funded in the 2010 budget.

IPM Voice will continue to work with its allies for the highest possible level 
IPM funding.  Your support is needed.  Please join today and add your voice to 
advocating for IPM.

Weigh In on the New Crop Protection Program

NIFA  will hold the first in a series of listening sessions on the new Crop  
Program in Memphis on March 29, from 2 to 5 PM, immediately  following the IPM 
 Listening session webinars will be  held during the afternoon (EST) of April 
and May 1st.  An in-person  session will be held in Washington on April 16th.

IPM?  What's That?

If you ask the average consumer or taxpayer what IPM is, there is a good chance 
you'll get a blank stare. That's according to Cornell Survey Research Institute 
polls taken between 1989 and 2006. The awareness needle has barely budged over 
interval. In 2006, only 17% of 800 New Yorkers polled reported having heard of 
vs. 12% in 1989.

Who cares? Does low awareness matter? Yes! For one, it makes it difficult to 
taxpayers to advocate for IPM support from state and federal decision makers.  
another, low awareness makes it challenging for an IPM grower to answer 
from, or market to, customers concerned about the impacts of production 
on health and environment. More than  375 million acres worldwide 
are now certified for using IPM practices, up from 246 million acres in 2008 
These producers and many others could benefit from greater consumer appreciation
 for IPM and its benefits.

So what's an IPM advocate to do? Should we focus on IPM adoption by users and 
users? Certainly we have fertile ground to cover in that arena. Recent USDA 
Resources Conservation Service reports 
show that only 6% to 10% of cropland acres in the Chesapeake Bay, Great Lakes 
Upper Mississippi River regions are managed at relatively high level of IPM. The
 steering committee for the National School IPM Working Group estimates that 
than 8% of our school systems nationally are achieving high-level IPM.

Can we point to any successes?  Yes.  Many! Asian soybean rust has been tamed 
minimal fungicide use through an innovative monitoring network called the 
Conventional field corn insecticide use has been greatly reduced through host 
resistance. The cotton boll weevil has been essentially eradicated in the US 
belt by using a combination of genetic, cultural and chemical tactics.  And much
 of urban pest control for cockroaches and ants has moved to a safer baiting 
versus indoor use of broad-spectrum insecticides. But we have much further to 

Perhaps we should focus on increasing awareness and appreciation by the general 
public? That strategy could "pull" more IPM from agricultural producers, and 
and lawn and landscape pest control service providers. Seventy-eight percent of 
US families now purchase organic products and 72% of parents are familiar with 
USDA Organic seal. The organic industry grew by 8% in 2010.  That is an 
lead to follow.

IPM Voice's advocacy committee is currently working to create goals, strategies 
and action steps to increase IPM adoption, awareness and appreciation.  We'd 
to hear your suggestions. Whom should we target? Messages? What low-cost, 
strategies might be effective in reaching that audience? Would you like to 
on the committee? Send your comments to  i...@ipmvoice.org 
or join our session at the  IPM Symposium, March 27-29, in Memphis 
We look forward to your input, and to seeing you in Memphis!

IPM Voice Needs Your Support in 2012!

Thanks to strong support from our members, IPM Voice accomplished several 
goals in 2011. IPM Voice needs continued support from members to reach our goals
 for 2012.

Please join or renew your IPM Voice membership for 2012 by visiting 

IPM  Voice is an independent, non-profit organization advocating for  integrated
 pest management (IPM) that is genuinely progressive and seeks  continuous 
of environmental, social and economic conditions  through application of 
scientific principles.  IPM Voice was  formed in 2010 by more than 35 
working to expand the  benefits IPM has provided to agriculture and communities 
for more than  40 years.

IPM Voice, Inc. / 4510 Regent Street  Madison, Wisconsin  53705 / 608-232-1410

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