A new issue of the Illinois Fruit and Vegetable News (Volume 18, number 16) has 
been posted on the web.  To reach the home page for the Illinois Fruit and 
Vegetable News (with links to all issues and additional resources), use the 
following link:


For direct access to issue 18:16, use the following link:

In This Issue:

Open Positions for Local Food Systems / Small Farms Extension 
Educators<http://ipm.illinois.edu/ifvn/contents.php#positions> (in five 
Extension units around IL)

Upcoming Programs<http://ipm.illinois.edu/ifvn/contents.php#upcoming> (the list 
includes dates for most of our 2013 programs for January-February)

Notes from Chris Doll<http://ipm.illinois.edu/ifvn/contents.php#doll> 
(dormancy, pruning, Jerry Frecon's retirement, historical notes, ISCAOC in 

Fruit Production and Pest 
Management<http://ipm.illinois.edu/ifvn/contents.php#fruit> (notes on fall 
versus spring planting of new trees)

Vegetable Production and Pest 
Management<http://ipm.illinois.edu/ifvn/contents.php#vegetable> (if there is 
another warm winter and dry summer, then ...)

Local Foods Issues<http://ipm.illinois.edu/ifvn/contents.php#local> (2013 Small 
Farms Webinar series)

University of Illinois Extension educators and specialists in fruit and 
vegetable production and pest 

Rick Weinzierl

Richard Weinzierl
Professor and Extension Entomologist
SARE PDP Program Coordinator
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois

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