Hi Apple gurus,

Answers don't jump out at me feom google. 

I'm curious why we don't put agri-mycin in the irrigation water to treat from 
the inside out?  (As in we administer antibiotics to humans through the stomach 
for 10 days.) Why is spray the appropriate delivery?  

I'm not growing fruit this year (renoving flowers). I'm not concerned about 
fruit saturation/consumption. I have pruned fireblight cankers what I can but 
I'm sure I didn't get it all nor did I pick up every last leaf particle.

Just grasping for a way to innoculate from the inside. Every pruning cut showed 
healthy wood inside but some trees have black splotches on the outer bark 
almost always on the south sid of the tree. I even scraped some of the black 
from pruned wood and the inner wood is very healthy looking immediately under 
the bark. I have a fantasy that that is sunburn here un sunny So Cal. Not 
realistically hopeful of that. 

Rye Hefley
So Cal
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