Just for kicks, I tried that today with Apache 2.1.8-beta. The
instructions are a bit stale in the INSTALL script. Here are the
questions to the points mentioned under static install:

1. What is the CPPFLAGS -I supposed to be? Top level libapreq2 source
directory? Or some other directory under it (e.g. module/apache2)?

2. What is HTTPD_LDFLAGS supposed to be (i.e. we should tell people
where to expect libapreq2.la)? An example would be great.

3. The env/mod_apreq2.c doesn't exist any more. Should we say
module/apache2/filter.c or module/apache2/handler.c? Or something else?

I tried a few combos, but the configure process of libapre2 tells me
"invalid apr-config location", where this is actually APR 1.x (as
shipped with Apache 2.1.8), so it should be looking for apr-1-config
anyway (which exists in srclib/apr directory of Apache 2.1.8)...

I don't use this config (i.e. I use dynamic build, which work fine), but
some people may. It would be good if we could document/test this before
the release of 2.07.


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