Jonathan Vanasco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> BUT it brings up this issue - a corrupt cookie of this sort seems to  call a
> die() in modperl  once libapreq attempts to parse it.  i'd say  50% of
> the dies are met with a segfault.  i don't know why its not a  1:1 ratio.

It's supposed to die, but it's obviously not supposed to segfault.
Have you tried putting a "use APR::Request::Error" in the offending
script, to see if that impacts on the segfaults?

>> I couldn't seem to find any way to provide a defense against this.   Just
> calling cookiejar->cookie() will cause the error.
>       my $cookiejar   = Apache2::Cookie::Jar->new( $self->{'apr'} );
>       my @names               = $cookiejar->cookies();
> the segfault, natually, occurs whether or not the code is wrapped in  an eval
> block.  an eval block didn't seem to catch the other  error  either
> (sorry, but i can't discern what it is)

  use APR::Request::Error;

  my $req = APR::Request::Apache2->new($r);
  eval {
       my $jar = $req->jar; #table of cookies

  if (ref $@ and [EMAIL PROTECTED]>isa("APR::Request::Error") ) {
     my $jar = [EMAIL PROTECTED]>jar; # table of successfully parsed cookies

>                        'Cookie' =>
> 'wordpressuser_c580712eb86cad2660b3601ac04202b2=admin;
> wordpresspass_c580712eb86cad2660b3601ac04202b2=7ebeeed42ef50720940f5b8db
> 2f9db49; rs_session=59ae9b8b503e3af7d17b97e7f77f7ea5; dbx-
> postmeta=grabit=0-,1-,2-,3-,4-,5-,6-&advancedstuff=0-,1+,2-',

I don't see anything fundamentally wrong with that header.
Will do some testing tho.

Joe Schaefer

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