I'd love to see libapreq2 in httpd base and the perl glue in mod_perl asap

i think it would be best for all three projects.

On Feb 20, 2006, at 2:25 PM, Joe Schaefer wrote:

Now that we've got a release of libapreq2
out the door, it's a good time to think about
the direction of the project going forward.
So let's take a look at where we are now,
and figure out where we want to be in a year
from now, and map out some goals for getting

Right now we have a handful of active committers,
with myself volunteering to play RM;  pgollucci has
volunteered to improve the website & docs, which are
priorities now, and randyk supports the win32 platform.
Other committers like maxk provide review and oversight,
although not for the release tarball this time.  This
time we got lots of help from httpd'ers, who have
expressed an interest in seeing this list absorbed

I think that's a good idea, so long as [EMAIL PROTECTED]
can withstand the occasional question about our
perl glue.  Someday I'd actually like to see
trunk/glue/perl moved over to mod_perl's trunk,
and our C code folded into httpd somehow, but
that may take some time doing.  Anyways, since
we're mapping out goals in this thread I think
that should be our long-term one.

Getting there would involve moving this list into
[EMAIL PROTECTED], and our commit list to [EMAIL PROTECTED]; tackling
the automake problem, writing better docs/webpages,
improving the maintainability of the codebase.
We'd have to stop trying to be an aggregation
point for the httpd and mod-perl communities, and
instead work more directly within each community.
I think people are generally too busy with their
respective projects to build this community into
a separate TLP, and our scope can stay smaller without
trying to be a separate project: we can just be
about the Perl and C apis as we have always been.
Glue writers for other languages seem to be content
with libapreq1 for the most part, and haven't been
motivated to contribute directly to the libapreq2

So what are your thoughts about the future of apreq?
Joe Schaefer

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