> Hey All,
> I'm new at this, and  I need your help.  I have been reading this list for
> awhile, hoping to learn.  Well, anyway.  I have a computer given to me, but
> the drive has been formatted.  I need to know how I can get into it to
> install DOS or some other variation.  I want to put Arachne on it and I need
> to get it to a prompt.  It has a Conner Drive, the model number is CSF425A.

Hi Brian;
First I think we need to know what is on the drive now.
Is there an operating system or has it been low-level formatted only ?

Second, if you want to run DOS, do you have (or can you get) a set of DOS
disks ?  

Third, does the CMOS recognize the drive ? i.e. Can you get a C:> prompt ?
You may have to hit "DEL" during boot up to enter CMOS SETUP and either tell
it some drive details or have it autodetect your drive type.
Try the latter first.
Fourth, if the drive is blank except for the low level format, (type dir)
you will have to boot up on the first disk of the DOS set (put diskette in
drive A: and turn power on) and after setting date and time your actions
will depend on what DOS you get. For almost any DOS after 5.0, type SETUP
and I guess there will be instruction.  I've never done it this way but I
would recommend it to a first time DOS user.<G>

For any other DOS I would suggest you type FORMAT C:/S
This will ensure that any crap on the drive is no longer accessable.

At this point you should be able to boot up on the hard drive and if you did
the manual style install (not setup) you will have to generate autoexec.bat
and config.sys files and copy only the stuff you need to the hard drive.

Get back to us.

-  Clarence Verge
-  Help stamp out FATWARE.  As a start visit:

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