On Fri, 2 Feb 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hello,
> I tryed to update my system-kernel but something is going wrong.
> I use loadlin for booting Linux and after updating the kernel
> Yast asked me to copy the new kernel (/boot/vmlinuz) to loadlin?

  It's been a while since I used loadlin, so I don't know how
clear my memory will be on this:

  Loadlin is a DOS program, so let's keep our OS's separate in the
discussion to keep things straight.
  If you have a directory, C:\LOADLIN then you need to have
LOADLIN.EXE and the compressed kernel image there (regardless of 
whether you name it vmlinuz, bzImage, or linuz-2.218)  

  Then, IIRC, 
C:\LOADLIN> loadlin bzimage root=/dev/hda2 ro
or something very similar boots you to Linux... or there's often
a LINUX.BAT that you just modify to suit.  I think you're all 
clear on this part though...

> I tryed to cp vmlinuz to /mnt/loadlin (after mounting my DOS-drive
> /dev/hda1 to /mnt) but that does not work and in loadlin there is only
> a zimage (the old kernel?). What I am doing wrong?
> Thanks for helping.
> regards, Joerg 

  There are usually several directories within /mnt already.
Usually, at the very least, /cdrom & /floppy.  I always mounted
my DOS partitions as /mnt/c-dos and /mnt/d-dos.  Then with the
correct /etc/fstab entries, (mine is like so)
/dev/hda1  /mnt/c-dos  msdos  user,exec,nodev,nosuid,rw,umask=0 0 0
it's as simple as 'mount /mnt/c-dos' 

  Otherwise, you have to do the whole mount command, such as
'mnt -w -t <type> /dev/hda1 /mnt/c-dos' where <type> will likely
be msdos or vfat.

  Before you copy anything there though, 'cd /mnt/c-dos' and
'ls' to make sure it's really mounted the way you think it is.
If it didn't mount correctly, you'll just see an empty directory.
Otherwise, you see a directory listing of your C:\ directory,
and assuming /loadlin already exists there, you can then
'cp /<path>/zImage /mnt/c-dos/loadlin/linuz-2.218' or whatever
you want to call the new image.  Generally, you DON'T want to
overwrite the old kernel... just in case the new kernel doesn't 
work the way you hoped it would.  Then you can just use the same
old command you always did to get back in and try compiling the
new one again.

  Alles clar?

 - Steve

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