Hi Cristian, all,

> From: Cristian Burneci <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> ...
> Java needs lots of stuff that DOS can't implement.

Speaking of the future of Arachne, and the growing difficulty we are having
ignoring Java, this monstrous thought entered my head a while ago, and
I can't make it go away, so I may as well tell ya:

What about "Arachne for Windows" ?


Yes, I know Brothers and Sisters, I *must* burn for it, but first let me
make my case:

Arachne is, and will remain the world's one and only really viable DOS based
browser.  As such, it is and will remain the only way to browse the web
from an older computer.  I would not want to change that, but consider:
We already have DOS and LINUX versions of Arachne, so why not one for
Windows too?  Such a version would be able to implement Java, and to do
a whole bunch of other things that the DOS versions perform with difficulty,
or not at all.  I'm sure I'm not the only person who uses Arachne, not
because I have an older computer, but because I love the way she
works--I love her "look and feel".  Even when I'm running W98, I still
use Arachne when ever I possibly can; I have an icon for her on my desktop.

So why not create a fully competent Windoze version of Arachne that can
compete head to head with IEX, Netscape, Opera, etc. ... and maybe
even blow these screen-cluttering bloatware monsters out of the water?
Arachne has saved many a 486 from the trash, and will continue to do so,
but I say the time has come to stop slinking about in the shadows hiding
from the wrath of Bill, and to launch an assault right into the very heart
of the Evil Empire by fighting them on their own turf.  Would it not be
surpassing fine to watch the monster roar?

I met a traveler from a rainy land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone stand
In the forest. Near them on the duff,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown and
Geekey look, and sneer of endless wealth
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal appears this guff:
`My name is William Henry Gates III, king of kings:
Use my software, ye mighty, and despair!'
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and alone,
The wet and gloomy woods stretch far away.

(apologies to) P.B. Shelley

Ray Andrews,
Vancouver, Canada

-- Arachne V1.71;UE01, NON-COMMERCIAL copy, http://arachne.cz/

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