----- Original Message -----
From: "Bastiaan Edelman, PA3FFZ" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 30, 2002 3:53 PM
Subject: Again: bootmanager sbminst.exe :-((

> hi List,
> A week ago I mentioned no succes in installing the smart boot manager
> from XOSL.
> I got the full program including the manual... read it and tried again.
> :-( results were different but not good:
> ********************
> Critical ERROR: Unable to load XOSL image.
> -- XOSL Bypass --
> Enter XOSL password:
> ******************** No mention at all of a password in the manual
> I tried several passwords... but :-(
> ******************************************************************
> Tried also "Boot it Next Generation"... %^&$#%$@
> Many hours down the drain... an still just one OS on this machine.
> (DOS + Win95 combination)
> Regards, Bastiaan
Can't help with XOSL, but you can check your partitions with Ranish without
altering anything on the disk. Just place the two Ranish files on a DOS boot
floppy and type
and you should get a screen showing all the partitions on the first HDD and
details on the selected partition (look at each in turn) I have come across
cases where mismatching information is highlighted. There is a help screen
which shows the options which include the ability to look at other HDD's
which may be present.

If all looks well you can write a new MBR (Master Boot Record) which
contains Boot options which allow any bootable partition to be selected at
Boot time. eg I get a screen output of
If I do nothing for 5 sec then disk 1 partition 4 boots. I have 3 bootable
partitions which can be selected by input of digit 1,2, or 3. Very basic but
the code fits in the MBR.

Have never had a problem if the partition parameters are OK.


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