On Mon, 30 Dec 2002 12:16:44 +0100 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard Menedetter) wrote:

> Hi Samuel!

> 23 Dec 2002, "Samuel W. Heywood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> SH> Is it just a mechanism for calling a routine compiled into the main
> SH> browser program?
> yes

> SH> Is this routine nothing more than a quite ordinary FTP
> SH> program that Bill Gates probably stole from somebody else?
> FTP and HTTP are completely different protocols !!!
> HTTP upload is a feature specified in the HTTP RFC that makes it possible to
> send files from the client to the server.
> FTP has *NOTHING* to do with it !!!!!!!!!

> SH> The Micro$oft brainwashed techies think that "http upload" or "browser
> SH> upload" is something truly different,
> and they are 100% right

OK, so they are right in this case.  They would have had much more
credibility with me if they had simply explained it.  I don't like
their "It_is_true_because_I_said_so" attitude because we know they are
often wrong about many things.

> SH> and something that uses the latest and greatest protocols that are
> SH> needed for negotiating with all the web sites incorporating the latest
> SH> Micro$oft "standards".
> has nothing to do with microsoft.
> I have used it with a little project under linux, and it was VERY handy, and
> saved me much work.

Yep, Glenn explained this recently.  He said that he plans to incorporate
HTTP upload in a future users' edition of Arachne.  Maybe the two
protocols have to be different because they use different ports.

Sam Heywood

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