On Mon, 13 Jan 2003 11:36:14 +0100 (CET), [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard Menedetter) wrote:
> Hi All! > I don't understand what suicide attacks have to do with guns or the lack > thereof. Neither do I. > Anyways ... I see that there is a HUGE cultural difference on how guns are > viewed. There is... would we all love the black bears. > But it is clear that owning guns is no deterrent to crime, as well as the > capital punishment is (provenly) also no deterrent. Yes > Anyways ... I will *very* much enjoy to see this movie "Bowling for Columbine" Harry Potter is great. CU, Bastiaan > CU, Ricsi > -- > |~)o _ _o Richard Menedetter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> {ICQ: 7659421} (PGP) > |~\|(__\| -=> Sleep: fleeting moment before the alarm goes off <=-