----- Original Message -----
From: "L.D. Best" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 13, 2003 8:19 PM
Subject: Re: Keeping track of the news [was Re: UT (extreme:): the US andthe
human rights

> A few years back, an idiot out to commit suicide drove his truck into a
> Denny's in the town where my daughter was then living -- a restaurant
> where she & I had eaten together.  The cretin then started taking pot
> shots at the patrons, and managed to kill quite a few.

Of course if guns were not widely available.........(but I repeat myself)
Generally the examples you give are persuasive as are pro-gun statistics
others have mentioned. However some facts (no doubt quoted in good faith)
have been challenged. It is surprising that there isn't a body of
independent academic research which might become widely accepted as a basis
for political debate.

> I always try to negotiate and educate first ... using deadly force only as
a last
> resort.
My starting point in this debate was anti gun and a belief that the US gun
lobby was a load of red necks and commercial interests. At least you and
others have persuaded me that there appear to be some legitimate arguments
for guns in some circumstances.


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