On Wed, 15 Jan 2003 20:50:42 -0500, Glenn McCorkle wrote:


> If all current members of this list choose to do the following....
> This list will effectively be cancelled.

> Anyone who might be interested may now STOP sending messages to this list.

> And begin sending them here instead.

> Thanks should go to Ray Andrews for making this suggestion.

Yahoo groups sux.  I have in the past had some very bad experiences
with the yahoos.  In order to send or read posts in the yahoo groups
they say you have to sign up for a yahoo user ID.  It appears that this
is just a ruse.   I suspect the yahoos just want to harvest your email
address and sign you up for the opt-in lists of all the spammers they
support.  I suspect them of supporting spammers because their main
web page has links to lots of porn sites.  Almost all porn sites are
promoted primarily by spammers.  The yahoos won't even send you a valid
yahoo user ID.  If you complain to them about how your yahoo user ID
doesn't work they will just send you a canned response referring you to
their useless help pages.

I am all in favor of dumping Majordomo, but please don't select yahoo
groups as an alternative.  BTW, several people on this list have
reported the same problems as I have about how yahoo groups sux.

Sam Heywood
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