I never got to use procmail but will no doubt study the man page when I get set
up with Linux (Slackware 8.1).  Can procmail search on only the headers, or 
only the Return-Path: line?  I would like to put all the NetBSD mails in one
file or folder, coming from [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], and
[EMAIL PROTECTED], no advantage in separate files, could search Return-Path:
line for "netbsd" string.  For spam, I might choose a safe procedure of putting
spam candidates in a separate file but not /dev/null until I look through them
all.  Then I can save legit messages but delete the others en masse.  Maybe I
could search the headers, not case-sensitive, for a string
charset=euc-kr  and
charset=ks_c_5601-1987  (typing this from memory, sometimes there are quotes)

Spam phrases could occur in a message discussing the issue of spam; recurring
topics include improving one's breast or penis size, and Viagra, and then there
are the sexy young women on webcams or sexy web sites.

Breast enlargement can occur in young men normally, and in older men as a side
effect of some prescription drugs, quite apart from spam.

I never heard of "ham" referring to legit email, as opposed to spam.  In the
realm of meat, I think Spam is a form of ham?  So legit email could be called
non-cured pork, or is this too verbose?  Easier to just say "legit email".  I
think of ham as referring to cured pork, but I think ham properly refers to the
leg of pork, cured or not?

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