
You say you use Spamassassin.  One emailing list I'm on uses Spamassassin, and
one of the messages came through marked as ***SPAM*** in the subject line, but
the "offending" message was included in a text attachment.  I couldn't see
anything indicative of spam in that message, it looks like Spamassassin just
went bananas on that one.

On the question of pornography, such spams don't usually contain that word.  
The word "pornography" is more likely to occur in a discussion of such spams.

from Ron Clarke:

>   I don't know if anyone else is getting them, but I have been receiving
> a lot of spam that comes as HTM only (so I dont open it with Arachne, of
> course), but that html is constructed with garbage letters surrounded by
> hide tags "< ! - - xyxyxyx - - >" to break up the words that might
> trigger spam filters. 

I get these too, and since I see the messages in straight text mode, these hide
tags stick out like the proverbial sore thumb, as if to scream "I'm spam!", and
I know to mark the message for deletion.  I may get things like
Enl<!-some-junk-here>arge your pe<!- more junk here>nis ...

Excerpt from "Glenn McCorkle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I can tell you one thing about the spam filters here at CisNet.....


> No messages will get through to me and none can be sent by me
> if they contain a dollar sign ($) in the subject.

> Those several messages with suject: M$lookout did
> not get through to my inbox.

Glenn, do you have any choice, is there any user configurability of the spam
filters, or are you just stuck?

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