On Fri, 15 Aug 2003 20:15:00 +0000, Dean Coffey wrote:

>> Grab this one QUICKLY ;-)

>> http://www.cisnet.com/glennmcc/images/rnd-tuit.jpg

>> --
>> Glenn

> Glenn:

> Just checked out your computer room project on your site--EXCELLENT!  :)  I
> was very happy to see that many IBMs (PS/2s aren't they?) in one place.  Now
> I don't feel so bad about my 16-18 PS/2s and all those 8512 monitors  :)

Thank you Dean.

(gotta' get busy and upload some more photos)

I've added 5 more machines and a set of shelves full of assorted parts
since I last updated that page.

One of those 'new' machines is an IBM XT circa 1985 ;-)

No HDD, just a pair of 360k 5.25" floppies.

She still works just fine and came complete with MCGA monitor
plus both IBMDos v2.0 and Lotus123 on floppy.
(even got the 'tutorial program' for Lotus123) :))


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