Hi everyone,

After my positive experience with ADB on a social platform that will launch 
in the coming weeks (I will announce it here in case you guys want to make 
some PR), I'm now evaluating ADB for the update of another social network 
project I have been working on. This one is quite different in that 
geo-tagged posts are shared between users and queries have to heavily rely 
on geo-indexes.

The most important query (the "feed") should basically return all posts 
shared to me ordered by distance from where I am. So I would imagine 
something like:
FOR post in 1 INBOUND 'users/...' isSharedWith
SORT <distance from me>

But having a look at AQL's functions, it seems that the geo-filtering 
should happen first, in something like
FOR post IN NEAR(posts, mylat, mylon, limit, distance)
LET isShared = (FOR share IN 1 INBOUND 'users/...' isSharedWith FILTER share
._id == post._id RETURN 1)
FILTER isShared != 0
SORT distance

My questions:
- Is it how the geo-filtering is intended to be used? or any better way to 
implement that type of query?
- The *limit* factor of the NEAR function seems like a big 
constraint/drawback.. Does it mean that there is no current way to create a 
cursor that would eventually return all data?

Thanks in advance,

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