The Community Edition doesn't seem to satisfy the GDPR Encryption at Rest 
requirement for privacy protection and leaves startups in a difficult 

The jump to Enterprise is a leap in complexity and a huge annual expense. 
Even with the 50% server discount available to startups from ArangoDB, the 
'pay what you use' NoSQL offerings from the major cloud vendors are vastly 
more cost effective when bootstrapping. Perhaps GDPR is a great leverage 
point if you are trying to sell Enterprise licenses but it is important not 
to burden startups with brutal pricing tiers. ArangoDB is the solution we 
wish to support but the company isn't making it easy.

For those of us in startups that will be pre-revenue for an extended time - 
it is obvious that there is a missing license tier for ArangoDB that should 
provide access to built-in Encryption at Rest in single server mode. 
Enterprise Trial is too restrictive to be useful beyond internal testing.

We've been attempting to engage ArangoDB sales reps and executives in a 
dialog to address our concerns in this area and are still hopeful that will 

In the mean time I'd like to discover what methods have been successfully 
deployed to achieve Encryption at Rest in Community. Ideally we'd simply 
toggle encryption for specific Collections. Using disk encryption on our 
AWS persistent storage volume might be a solution but we have many 
collections that are read-only reference material that don't need this 
treatment. Thoughts on any of the above?


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