The issue explains the problems quite clearly. If we add a function COUNTER, it 
needs to behave in a sensible and predictable way everywhere in the query even 
before the final RETURN statement. And we currently do not see a way to do this 

Am 28. September 2018 16:15:42 MESZ schrieb
>I cam across this entry:
>Seems to do what I want. And the way I read it, the only real problem
>it is when there's a large amount of documents But my use case
>of search results) limits the maximum number of documents to a
>amount (e.g. 10k). Anything more than that and the user will only get
>first 10k and an information message saying they have to refine their 
>search criteria.
>On Friday, September 28, 2018 at 1:12:04 AM UTC-5, Max Neunhöffer
>> Hi, 
>> there are two reasons why we hesitate to offer this functionality.
>One is 
>> the cluster, which you have mentioned. The other is that AQL
>> has no mutable state (variables) because it is a descriptive language
>> for example does not guarantee any order in FOR statements. This
>> more optimizations, in particular in a distributed system. 
>> However, in a sense we do offer what you want, since we provide a
>list of 
>> results. So client side, you can easily add a sequence number simply
>> taking the index in the list. With batches you would have to keep a
>> but this is usually no problem at the client side. 
>> Furthermore, you could have a little Foxx app, which does what you
>want by 
>> playing exactly that trick. You might have a little trouble keeping
>> state from one batch to the next, but this could for example also be
>> client side by having a count in the API. 
>> Cheers, 
>>   Max 
>> Am 28. September 2018 05:26:00 MESZ schrieb 
>> <javascript:>: 
>> >Hi, 
>> > 
>> >Is there a rownum function to be able to assign a row number to
>> >record returned from a query? 
>> > 
>> >Say I have two documents: {fname: fname1, lname: lname1} and {fname:
>> >fname2, lname: lname2} 
>> > 
>> >Is it possible to do something of the sort and get the output like 
>> >below? 
>> > 
>> >for d in mycoll 
>> >return {myrownnum: ROW_NUMBER(), fname: d.fname, lname: d.lname} 
>> > 
>> >Expected output: 
>> > 
>> >{myrownum: 0, fname: fname1, lname: lname1} 
>> >{myrownum: 1, fname: fname2, lname: lname2} 
>> > 
>> >I understand that it would probably not work (i.e. would give wrong 
>> >rownums 
>> >or plainly not work) in a clustered environment and that you haven't
>> >specified the shard keys completely. But I think it should b
>> >when 
>> >you hit a single shard. 

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