On Tue, 24 Jul 2012, Michael Drake wrote:

> On index.html -- http://arcem.sourceforge.net/
>  I think it's just the Features section which is out of date.
>  It has "Features of version 1.00", and "Additional features of the CVS
>  version".  I'm not sure if the CVS section has been kept updated or if
>  it's missing things.  It should probably become "Features of version
>  1.50" anyway.

Features of 1.50, IIRC:

* VIDC1 sound support on Amiga, RISC OS & Unix/X11
* Emulation of 512K, 1MB, 2MB, 4MB, 8MB, 12MB, 16MB of RAM
* Emulation of extension ROMs
* ARM3 emulation
* ArcEm clock set from Hosts's clock, partial RTC support
* Accurate video and timer emulation
* Display upscaling (I think it might only be RISC OS that uses this at 
the moment)
* Rectangular pixel aspect ratio correction (RISC OS, Windows & X11)
* Significant performance improvements on low power machines
* Enhancements when emulating RISC OS:
- HostFS (supported on all platforms)
- Mouse scroll wheel support? (I'm not actually sure if this still 
works, or what platforms it works on!)
- The extra video modes

>  In the support files section, perhaps a RISC OS 3.11 download can be
>  included now, if it can be built from the ROOL source?

ROOL's CVS history typically only goes back to RISC OS 3.5, so building 
3.11 is an impossibility. Building 3.5 is probably pretty hard too!

>  I'll probably add "Other resources" with links to:
>    ADFFS                        -- http://adffs.filecore.net/
>    Wocki's Acorn Emulation Site -- http://acorn.revivalteam.de/
>  Anything else?

In lieu of a safe place to get free ROMs, you could add a link to ROL's 
shop, where they're selling a CD containing Arc ROM images:


I wonder what R-Comp are doing for their ROMs in !AcornMode.

> On developer.html -- http://arcem.sourceforge.net/developer.html
>  The "Developer Aims and Future plans" look as though they need
>  revisiting.  e.g. I doubt there is any plan to add Risc PC support,
>  since there's RPCEmu for that.  And is the "investigate the use
>  of a JIT or rolling support into the QEMU project" still on the
>  cards?

Suggested new aims:

* Easier to port to more platforms (an SDL port would probably fulfill 
that goal)
* Easier for the end user to use (The RISC OS & Windows frontends are 
certainly in need of some love)
* Support more hardware
- IOEB emulation (1.6MB floppies, joysticks, more VIDC clock speeds, etc.)
- Parallel & serial emulation
* Tidier, making the code easier to bug fix and maintain
* Faster (no need to mention JIT, unless someone's confident they can make 
it work!)
* Additional features
- Networking
- Ability to save & restore emulator state (perfect for those games that 
don't let you save)

>  The "Feature Matrix" looks out-of-date.  I know the RISC OS version has
>  HostFS and Sound Support, at least.  Not sure about the rest of the
>  table.

* ExtnROM, HostFS - works on all
* Gfx > 800x600 - I believe Windows & OS X are the only two that don't 
support this.
* Sound - see above features list
* Mousewheel - I guess we'd better check that it still works!

And the GP2X column can be removed :(

> On manual.html -- http://arcem.sourceforge.net/manual.html [...]
>  This page has a change log up to version 1.00, which will need updated
>  for 1.50.

Indeed - I'll try knocking up a changelog summarising everything that's 


- Jeffrey

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