On Tue, 9 Oct 2012 01:11:17 +0100 (GMT Daylight Time), Jeffrey Lee wrote:

> On Tue, 9 Oct 2012, Chris Young wrote:
> > I think I've mentioned this in passing before, but I was having a play
> > around with ADFFS and encountered it again, in a way that proves
> > HostFS has a problem (at least here).
> >
> > The below file:
> > http://acorn.revivalteam.de/Download/Images/GameDemos16.zip
> >
> > When mounted with ADFFS and run direct from there, the Lemmings demo
> > will work.
> >
> > When copied to a HostFS drive, it doesn't (the Psygnosis and Krysalis
> > logos come up, then the screen goes blank and eventually it quits back
> > to the desktop)
> >
> > Assuming it's not just me, there's obviously something it's doing that
> > HostFS doesn't like.
> I ran into a similar issue myself with Lemmings 2 (and its demo). Although 
> I can't remember the specifics, I think the problem was that they had some 
> code in there which tried to work out which drive number the game was 
> running from. Since HostFS doesn't use drive numbers the game would fail 
> to run properly. Presumably you'd run into the same issue if you tried it 
> on real hardware with a filing system like ShareFS, or even ResourceFS 
> (assuming it doesn't mind a read-only FS).
> When I get a minute I'll have a look at the Lemmings demo and see if it's 
> the same problem.

Sounds likely.  I think I have another demo which doesn't run too, so
I'll try that from ADFFS when I get chance.


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