Date: Sunday, June 1, 2014 @ 06:02:26
  Author: dreisner
Revision: 213938

archrelease: copy trunk to testing-i686, testing-x86_64


 testing-i686/PKGBUILD                   |  162 ------------------------------
 testing-i686/initcpio-hook-udev         |   22 ----
 testing-i686/initcpio-install-systemd   |  160 -----------------------------
 testing-i686/initcpio-install-udev      |   29 -----
 testing-i686/systemd.install            |  144 --------------------------
 testing-x86_64/PKGBUILD                 |  162 ------------------------------
 testing-x86_64/initcpio-hook-udev       |   22 ----
 testing-x86_64/initcpio-install-systemd |  160 -----------------------------
 testing-x86_64/initcpio-install-udev    |   29 -----
 testing-x86_64/systemd.install          |  144 --------------------------
 10 files changed, 1034 deletions(-)

Deleted: testing-i686/PKGBUILD
--- testing-i686/PKGBUILD       2014-06-01 04:01:42 UTC (rev 213937)
+++ testing-i686/PKGBUILD       2014-06-01 04:02:26 UTC (rev 213938)
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: Dave Reisner <>
-# Maintainer: Tom Gundersen <>
-pkgname=('systemd' 'libsystemd' 'systemd-sysvcompat')
-arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
-makedepends=('acl' 'cryptsetup' 'docbook-xsl' 'gobject-introspection' 'gperf'
-             'gtk-doc' 'intltool' 'kmod' 'libcap' 'libgcrypt'  'libmicrohttpd' 
-             'util-linux' 'linux-api-headers' 'pam' 'python' 'python-lxml' 
-             'shadow' 'xz')
-options=('strip' 'debug')
-        'initcpio-hook-udev'
-        'initcpio-install-systemd'
-        'initcpio-install-udev'
-        '0001-units-use-KillMode-mixed-for-systemd-nspawn-.service.patch')
-         '29245f7a240bfba66e2b1783b63b6b40'
-         '66cca7318e13eaf37c5b7db2efa69846'
-         'bde43090d4ac0ef048e3eaee8202a407'
-         '5f8ad7126970855614c7fa34b317728d')
-prepare() {
-  cd "$pkgname-$pkgver"
-  patch -Np1 
-build() {
-  cd "$pkgname-$pkgver"
-  # LTO currently breaks the build because of libtool failures
-  CFLAGS+=' -fno-lto'
-  ./configure \
-      --libexecdir=/usr/lib \
-      --localstatedir=/var \
-      --sysconfdir=/etc \
-      --enable-introspection \
-      --enable-gtk-doc \
-      --enable-compat-libs \
-      --disable-audit \
-      --disable-ima \
-      --disable-kdbus \
-      --with-sysvinit-path= \
-      --with-sysvrcnd-path= \
-      --with-firmware-path="/usr/lib/firmware/updates:/usr/lib/firmware"
-  make
-check() {
-  make -C "$pkgname-$pkgver" check || :
-package_systemd() {
-  pkgdesc="system and service manager"
-  license=('GPL2' 'LGPL2.1' 'MIT')
-  depends=('acl' 'bash' 'dbus' 'glib2' 'kbd' 'kmod' 'hwids' 'libcap' 
-           'libsystemd' 'pam' 'libseccomp' 'util-linux' 'xz')
-  provides=('nss-myhostname' "systemd-tools=$pkgver" "udev=$pkgver")
-  replaces=('nss-myhostname' 'systemd-tools' 'udev')
-  conflicts=('nss-myhostname' 'systemd-tools' 'udev')
-  optdepends=('python: systemd library bindings'
-              'cryptsetup: required for encrypted block devices'
-              'libmicrohttpd: remote journald capabilities'
-              'quota-tools: kernel-level quota management'
-              'systemd-sysvcompat: symlink package to provide sysvinit 
-  backup=(etc/dbus-1/system.d/org.freedesktop.systemd1.conf
-          etc/dbus-1/system.d/org.freedesktop.hostname1.conf
-          etc/dbus-1/system.d/org.freedesktop.login1.conf
-          etc/dbus-1/system.d/org.freedesktop.locale1.conf
-          etc/dbus-1/system.d/org.freedesktop.machine1.conf
-          etc/dbus-1/system.d/org.freedesktop.timedate1.conf
-          etc/pam.d/systemd-user
-          etc/systemd/bootchart.conf
-          etc/systemd/journald.conf
-          etc/systemd/logind.conf
-          etc/systemd/system.conf
-          etc/systemd/user.conf
-          etc/udev/udev.conf)
-  install="systemd.install"
-  make -C "$pkgname-$pkgver" DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
-  # don't write units to /etc by default -- we'll enable the getty on
-  # post_install as a sane default.
-  rm "$pkgdir/etc/systemd/system/"
-  rm 
-  rmdir "$pkgdir/etc/systemd/system/"
-  # get rid of RPM macros
-  rm -r "$pkgdir/usr/lib/rpm"
-  # add back tmpfiles.d/legacy.conf
-  install -m644 "systemd-$pkgver/tmpfiles.d/legacy.conf" 
-  # Replace dialout/tape/cdrom group in rules with uucp/storage/optical group
-  sed -i 's#GROUP="dialout"#GROUP="uucp"#g;
-          s#GROUP="tape"#GROUP="storage"#g;
-          s#GROUP="cdrom"#GROUP="optical"#g' 
-  # add mkinitcpio hooks
-  install -Dm644 "$srcdir/initcpio-install-systemd" 
-  install -Dm644 "$srcdir/initcpio-install-udev" 
-  install -Dm644 "$srcdir/initcpio-hook-udev" 
-  # ensure proper permissions for /var/log/journal
-  chown root:systemd-journal "$pkgdir/var/log/journal"
-  chmod 2755 "$pkgdir/var/log/journal"
-  # fix pam file
-  sed 's|system-auth|system-login|g' -i "$pkgdir/etc/pam.d/systemd-user"
-  ### split out manpages for sysvcompat
-  rm -rf "$srcdir/_sysvcompat"
-  install -dm755 "$srcdir"/_sysvcompat/usr/share/man/man8/
-  mv 
-     "$srcdir"/_sysvcompat/usr/share/man/man8
-  ### split off runtime libraries
-  rm -rf "$srcdir/_libsystemd"
-  install -dm755 "$srcdir"/_libsystemd/usr/lib
-  cd "$srcdir"/_libsystemd
-  mv "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/lib{systemd,{g,}udev}*.so* usr/lib
-  # include MIT license, since it's technically custom
-  install -Dm644 "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver/LICENSE.MIT" \
-      "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/systemd/LICENSE.MIT"
-package_libsystemd() {
-  pkgdesc="systemd client libraries"
-  depends=('glib2' 'glibc' 'libgcrypt' 'xz')
-  license=('GPL2')
-  provides=('' '' '' 
-            '' '' '')
-  mv "$srcdir/_libsystemd"/* "$pkgdir"
-package_systemd-sysvcompat() {
-  pkgdesc="sysvinit compat for systemd"
-  license=('GPL2')
-  groups=('base')
-  conflicts=('sysvinit')
-  depends=('systemd')
-  mv "$srcdir/_sysvcompat"/* "$pkgdir"
-  install -dm755 "$pkgdir/usr/bin"
-  for tool in runlevel reboot shutdown poweroff halt telinit; do
-    ln -s 'systemctl' "$pkgdir/usr/bin/$tool"
-  done
-  ln -s '../lib/systemd/systemd' "$pkgdir/usr/bin/init"
-# vim: ft=sh syn=sh et

Deleted: testing-i686/initcpio-hook-udev
--- testing-i686/initcpio-hook-udev     2014-06-01 04:01:42 UTC (rev 213937)
+++ testing-i686/initcpio-hook-udev     2014-06-01 04:02:26 UTC (rev 213938)
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-run_earlyhook() {
-    kmod static-nodes --format=tmpfiles --output=/run/tmpfiles.d/kmod.conf
-    systemd-tmpfiles --prefix=/dev --create
-    /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-udevd --daemon --resolve-names=never
-    udevd_running=1
-run_hook() {
-    msg ":: Triggering uevents..."
-    udevadm trigger --action=add --type=subsystems
-    udevadm trigger --action=add --type=devices
-    udevadm settle
-run_cleanuphook() {
-    udevadm control --exit
-    udevadm info --cleanup-db
-# vim: set ft=sh ts=4 sw=4 et:

Deleted: testing-i686/initcpio-install-systemd
--- testing-i686/initcpio-install-systemd       2014-06-01 04:01:42 UTC (rev 
+++ testing-i686/initcpio-install-systemd       2014-06-01 04:02:26 UTC (rev 
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-strip_quotes() {
-  local len=${#1} quotes=$'[\'"]' str=${!1}
-  if [[ ${str:0:1} = ${str: -1} && ${str:0:1} = $quotes ]]; then
-    printf -v "$1" %s "${str:1:-1}"
-  fi
-add_udev_rule() {
-    # Add an udev rules file to the initcpio image. Dependencies on binaries
-    # will be discovered and added.
-    #   $1: path to rules file (or name of rules file)
-    local rules= rule= key= value= binary=
-    rules=$(PATH=/usr/lib/udev/rules.d:/lib/udev/rules.d type -P "$1")
-    if [[ -z $rules ]]; then
-        # complain about not found rules
-        return 1
-    fi
-    add_file "$rules"
-    while IFS=, read -ra rule; do
-        # skip empty lines, comments
-        [[ -z $rule || $rule = @(+([[:space:]])|#*) ]] && continue
-        for pair in "${rule[@]}"; do
-            IFS=' =' read -r key value <<< "$pair"
-            case $key in
-                RUN@({program}|+)|IMPORT{program}|ENV{REMOVE_CMD})
-                    strip_quotes 'value'
-                    # just take the first word as the binary name
-                    binary=${value%% *}
-                    if [[ ${binary:0:1} != '/' ]]; then
-                        binary=$(PATH=/usr/lib/udev:/lib/udev type -P 
-                    fi
-                    add_binary "$binary"
-                    ;;
-            esac
-        done
-    done <"$rules"
-add_systemd_unit() {
-    # Add a systemd unit file to the initcpio image. Hard dependencies on 
-    # and other unit files will be discovered and added.
-    #   $1: path to rules file (or name of rules file)
-    local unit= rule= entry= key= value= binary= dep=
-    unit=$(PATH=/usr/lib/systemd/system:/lib/systemd/system type -P "$1")
-    if [[ -z $unit ]]; then
-        # complain about not found unit file
-        return 1
-    fi
-    add_file "$unit"
-    while IFS='=' read -r key values; do
-        read -ra values <<< "$values"
-        case $key in
-            Requires|OnFailure)
-                # only add hard dependencies (not Wants)
-                map add_systemd_unit "${values[@]}"
-                ;;
-            Exec*)
-                # don't add binaries unless they are required
-                if [[ ${values[0]:0:1} != '-' ]]; then
-                    add_binary "${values[0]}"
-                fi
-                ;;
-        esac
-    done <"$unit"
-    # preserve reverse soft dependency
-    for dep in {/usr,}/lib/systemd/system/*.wants/${unit##*/}; do
-        if [[ -L $dep ]]; then
-            add_symlink "$dep"
-        fi
-    done
-    # add hard dependencies
-    if [[ -d $unit.requires ]]; then
-        for dep in "$unit".requires/*; do
-            add_systemd_unit ${dep##*/}
-        done
-    fi
-build() {
-    local rules unit
-    # from base
-    add_binary /bin/mount
-    add_binary /usr/bin/kmod /usr/bin/modprobe
-    # systemd
-    add_binary /usr/lib/systemd/systemd /init
-    add_binary /usr/bin/systemd-tmpfiles
-    # generators
-    add_file "/usr/lib/systemd/system-generators/systemd-fstab-generator"
-    add_file "/usr/lib/systemd/system-generators/systemd-gpt-auto-generator"
-    # udev rules and systemd units
-    map add_udev_rule "$rules" \
-            50-udev-default.rules \
-            60-persistent-storage.rules \
-            64-btrfs.rules \
-            80-drivers.rules \
-            99-systemd.rules \
-    map add_systemd_unit \
-   \
-            initrd-cleanup.service \
-   \
-            initrd-parse-etc.service \
-   \
-            initrd-switch-root.service \
-   \
-            initrd-udevadm-cleanup-db.service \
-   \
-            kmod-static-nodes.service \
-   \
-            systemd-fsck@.service \
-            systemd-journald.service \
-            systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service \
-            systemd-udev-trigger.service \
-            systemd-udevd-control.socket \
-            systemd-udevd-kernel.socket \
-            systemd-udevd.service
-    add_symlink "/usr/lib/systemd/system/" ""
-    # libdbus needs the passwd info of the root user
-    # TODO: make sure this is no longer necessary when systemctl moves to 
-    add_file "/etc/nsswitch.conf"
-    add_file "/etc/passwd"
-    add_binary "$(readlink -f /usr/lib/"
-    # udev wants /etc/group since it doesn't launch with --resolve-names=never
-    add_file "/etc/group"
-help() {
-    cat <<HELPEOF
-This will install a basic systemd setup in your initramfs, and is meant to
-replace the 'base', 'usr', 'udev' and 'timestamp' hooks. Other hooks with 
-components will need to be ported, and will not work as intended. You also may
-wish to still include the 'base' hook (before this hook) to ensure that a
-rescue shell exists on your initramfs.
-# vim: set ft=sh ts=4 sw=4 et:

Deleted: testing-i686/initcpio-install-udev
--- testing-i686/initcpio-install-udev  2014-06-01 04:01:42 UTC (rev 213937)
+++ testing-i686/initcpio-install-udev  2014-06-01 04:02:26 UTC (rev 213938)
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-build() {
-    local rules tool
-    add_file "/etc/udev/udev.conf"
-    add_binary /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-udevd
-    add_binary /usr/bin/udevadm
-    add_binary /usr/bin/systemd-tmpfiles
-    for rules in 50-udev-default.rules 60-persistent-storage.rules 
64-btrfs.rules 80-drivers.rules; do
-        add_file "/usr/lib/udev/rules.d/$rules"
-    done
-    for tool in ata_id scsi_id; do
-        add_file "/usr/lib/udev/$tool"
-    done
-    add_runscript
-help() {
-    cat <<HELPEOF
-This hook will use udev to create your root device node and detect the needed
-modules for your root device. It is also required for firmware loading in
-initramfs. It is recommended to use this hook.
-# vim: set ft=sh ts=4 sw=4 et:

Deleted: testing-i686/systemd.install
--- testing-i686/systemd.install        2014-06-01 04:01:42 UTC (rev 213937)
+++ testing-i686/systemd.install        2014-06-01 04:02:26 UTC (rev 213938)
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-sd_booted() {
-  [ -d /run/systemd/system ]
-add_privs() {
-  if ! setcap "$2" "$1" 2>/dev/null; then
-    echo "==> Warning: setcap failed, falling back to setuid root on /$1"
-    chmod u+s "$1"
-  fi
-add_journal_acls() {
-  # ignore errors, since the filesystem might not support ACLs
-  setfacl -Rnm g:wheel:rx,d:g:wheel:rx,g:adm:rx,d:g:adm:rx /var/log/journal/ 
-  :
-maybe_reexec() {
-  # don't reexec on 209-1 upgrade due to large infrastructural changes.
-  if [ "$(vercmp 209-1 "$2")" -eq 1 ]; then
-    echo ':: systemd has not been reexecuted. It is recommended that you'
-    echo '   reboot at your earliest convenience.'
-    return
-  fi
-  if sd_booted; then
-    systemctl --system daemon-reexec
-  fi
-_dir_empty() {
-  set -- "$1"/*
-  [ ! -e "$1" ] && [ ! -L "$1" ]
-post_common() {
-  systemd-machine-id-setup
-  add_privs usr/bin/systemd-detect-virt 'cap_dac_override,cap_sys_ptrace+ep'
-  udevadm hwdb --update
-  journalctl --update-catalog
-_208_changes() {
-  chown root:systemd-journal var/log/journal
-  chmod 2755 var/log/journal
-  if [ -e var/lib/backlight ] && [ ! -e var/lib/systemd/backlight ]; then
-    mv -T var/lib/backlight var/lib/systemd/backlight
-  fi
-  if [ -e var/lib/random-seed ] && [ ! -e var/lib/systemd/random-seed ]; then
-    mv -T var/lib/random-seed var/lib/systemd/random-seed
-  fi
-_209_changes() {
-  # attempt to preserve existing behavior
-  local old_rule=etc/udev/rules.d/80-net-name-slot.rules
-  local new_rule=etc/udev/rules.d/80-net-setup-link.rules
-  echo ":: Network device naming is now controlled by udev's net_setup_link"
-  echo "   builtin. Refer to the manpage for a full description."
-  # not clear what action we can take here, so don't do anything
-  [[ -e $new_rule ]] && return 0
-  # rename the old rule to the new one so that we preserve the user's
-  # existing option.
-  if [[ -e $old_rule ]]; then
-    printf ':: Renaming %s to %s in order\n' "${old_rule##*/}" 
-    printf '   to preserve existing network naming behavior.\n'
-    mv -v "$old_rule" "$new_rule"
-  else
-    echo ':: No changes have been made to your network naming configuration.'
-    echo '   Interfaces should continue to maintain the same names.'
-  fi
-_210_changes() {
-  if sd_booted; then
-    # If /etc/systemd/network is non-empty, then this is a 209 user who used
-    # networkd. Re-enable it for them.
-    if ! _dir_empty etc/systemd/network; then
-      systemctl enable systemd-networkd
-    fi
-  fi
-post_install() {
-  post_common "$@"
-  add_journal_acls
-  # enable getty@tty1 by default, but don't track the file
-  systemctl enable getty@tty1.service
-  echo ":: Append 'init=/usr/lib/systemd/systemd' to your kernel command line 
in your"
-  echo "   bootloader to replace sysvinit with systemd, or install 
-post_upgrade() {
-  post_common "$@"
-  maybe_reexec "$@"
-  if [ "$(vercmp 204-1 "$2")" -eq 1 ]; then
-    printf '==> The /bin/systemd symlink has been removed. Any references in 
-    printf '    bootloader (or elsewhere) must be updated to 
-  fi
-  if [ "$(vercmp 205-1 "$2")" -eq 1 ]; then
-    printf '==> systemd 205 restructures the cgroup hierarchy and changes 
-    printf '    protocols. You should reboot at your earliest convenience.\n'
-  fi
-  if [ "$(vercmp 206-1 "$2")" -eq 1 ]; then
-    printf '==> The "timestamp" hook for mkinitcpio no longer exists. If you 
-    printf '    this hook, you must remove it from /etc/mkinitcpio.conf. A 
-    printf '    hook has been added which provides this functionality, and 
-  fi
-  if [ "$(vercmp 208-1 "$2")" -eq 1 ]; then
-    _208_changes
-  fi
-  if [ "$(vercmp 208-8 "$2")" -eq 1 ]; then
-    add_journal_acls
-  fi
-  if [ "$(vercmp 209-1 "$2")" -eq 1 ]; then
-    _209_changes
-  fi
-  if [ "$(vercmp 210-1 "$2")" -eq 1 ]; then
-    _210_changes
-  fi
-# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:

Deleted: testing-x86_64/PKGBUILD
--- testing-x86_64/PKGBUILD     2014-06-01 04:01:42 UTC (rev 213937)
+++ testing-x86_64/PKGBUILD     2014-06-01 04:02:26 UTC (rev 213938)
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: Dave Reisner <>
-# Maintainer: Tom Gundersen <>
-pkgname=('systemd' 'libsystemd' 'systemd-sysvcompat')
-arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
-makedepends=('acl' 'cryptsetup' 'docbook-xsl' 'gobject-introspection' 'gperf'
-             'gtk-doc' 'intltool' 'kmod' 'libcap' 'libgcrypt'  'libmicrohttpd' 
-             'util-linux' 'linux-api-headers' 'pam' 'python' 'python-lxml' 
-             'shadow' 'xz')
-options=('strip' 'debug')
-        'initcpio-hook-udev'
-        'initcpio-install-systemd'
-        'initcpio-install-udev'
-        '0001-units-use-KillMode-mixed-for-systemd-nspawn-.service.patch')
-         '29245f7a240bfba66e2b1783b63b6b40'
-         '66cca7318e13eaf37c5b7db2efa69846'
-         'bde43090d4ac0ef048e3eaee8202a407'
-         '5f8ad7126970855614c7fa34b317728d')
-prepare() {
-  cd "$pkgname-$pkgver"
-  patch -Np1 
-build() {
-  cd "$pkgname-$pkgver"
-  # LTO currently breaks the build because of libtool failures
-  CFLAGS+=' -fno-lto'
-  ./configure \
-      --libexecdir=/usr/lib \
-      --localstatedir=/var \
-      --sysconfdir=/etc \
-      --enable-introspection \
-      --enable-gtk-doc \
-      --enable-compat-libs \
-      --disable-audit \
-      --disable-ima \
-      --disable-kdbus \
-      --with-sysvinit-path= \
-      --with-sysvrcnd-path= \
-      --with-firmware-path="/usr/lib/firmware/updates:/usr/lib/firmware"
-  make
-check() {
-  make -C "$pkgname-$pkgver" check || :
-package_systemd() {
-  pkgdesc="system and service manager"
-  license=('GPL2' 'LGPL2.1' 'MIT')
-  depends=('acl' 'bash' 'dbus' 'glib2' 'kbd' 'kmod' 'hwids' 'libcap' 
-           'libsystemd' 'pam' 'libseccomp' 'util-linux' 'xz')
-  provides=('nss-myhostname' "systemd-tools=$pkgver" "udev=$pkgver")
-  replaces=('nss-myhostname' 'systemd-tools' 'udev')
-  conflicts=('nss-myhostname' 'systemd-tools' 'udev')
-  optdepends=('python: systemd library bindings'
-              'cryptsetup: required for encrypted block devices'
-              'libmicrohttpd: remote journald capabilities'
-              'quota-tools: kernel-level quota management'
-              'systemd-sysvcompat: symlink package to provide sysvinit 
-  backup=(etc/dbus-1/system.d/org.freedesktop.systemd1.conf
-          etc/dbus-1/system.d/org.freedesktop.hostname1.conf
-          etc/dbus-1/system.d/org.freedesktop.login1.conf
-          etc/dbus-1/system.d/org.freedesktop.locale1.conf
-          etc/dbus-1/system.d/org.freedesktop.machine1.conf
-          etc/dbus-1/system.d/org.freedesktop.timedate1.conf
-          etc/pam.d/systemd-user
-          etc/systemd/bootchart.conf
-          etc/systemd/journald.conf
-          etc/systemd/logind.conf
-          etc/systemd/system.conf
-          etc/systemd/user.conf
-          etc/udev/udev.conf)
-  install="systemd.install"
-  make -C "$pkgname-$pkgver" DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
-  # don't write units to /etc by default -- we'll enable the getty on
-  # post_install as a sane default.
-  rm "$pkgdir/etc/systemd/system/"
-  rm 
-  rmdir "$pkgdir/etc/systemd/system/"
-  # get rid of RPM macros
-  rm -r "$pkgdir/usr/lib/rpm"
-  # add back tmpfiles.d/legacy.conf
-  install -m644 "systemd-$pkgver/tmpfiles.d/legacy.conf" 
-  # Replace dialout/tape/cdrom group in rules with uucp/storage/optical group
-  sed -i 's#GROUP="dialout"#GROUP="uucp"#g;
-          s#GROUP="tape"#GROUP="storage"#g;
-          s#GROUP="cdrom"#GROUP="optical"#g' 
-  # add mkinitcpio hooks
-  install -Dm644 "$srcdir/initcpio-install-systemd" 
-  install -Dm644 "$srcdir/initcpio-install-udev" 
-  install -Dm644 "$srcdir/initcpio-hook-udev" 
-  # ensure proper permissions for /var/log/journal
-  chown root:systemd-journal "$pkgdir/var/log/journal"
-  chmod 2755 "$pkgdir/var/log/journal"
-  # fix pam file
-  sed 's|system-auth|system-login|g' -i "$pkgdir/etc/pam.d/systemd-user"
-  ### split out manpages for sysvcompat
-  rm -rf "$srcdir/_sysvcompat"
-  install -dm755 "$srcdir"/_sysvcompat/usr/share/man/man8/
-  mv 
-     "$srcdir"/_sysvcompat/usr/share/man/man8
-  ### split off runtime libraries
-  rm -rf "$srcdir/_libsystemd"
-  install -dm755 "$srcdir"/_libsystemd/usr/lib
-  cd "$srcdir"/_libsystemd
-  mv "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/lib{systemd,{g,}udev}*.so* usr/lib
-  # include MIT license, since it's technically custom
-  install -Dm644 "$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver/LICENSE.MIT" \
-      "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/systemd/LICENSE.MIT"
-package_libsystemd() {
-  pkgdesc="systemd client libraries"
-  depends=('glib2' 'glibc' 'libgcrypt' 'xz')
-  license=('GPL2')
-  provides=('' '' '' 
-            '' '' '')
-  mv "$srcdir/_libsystemd"/* "$pkgdir"
-package_systemd-sysvcompat() {
-  pkgdesc="sysvinit compat for systemd"
-  license=('GPL2')
-  groups=('base')
-  conflicts=('sysvinit')
-  depends=('systemd')
-  mv "$srcdir/_sysvcompat"/* "$pkgdir"
-  install -dm755 "$pkgdir/usr/bin"
-  for tool in runlevel reboot shutdown poweroff halt telinit; do
-    ln -s 'systemctl' "$pkgdir/usr/bin/$tool"
-  done
-  ln -s '../lib/systemd/systemd' "$pkgdir/usr/bin/init"
-# vim: ft=sh syn=sh et

Deleted: testing-x86_64/initcpio-hook-udev
--- testing-x86_64/initcpio-hook-udev   2014-06-01 04:01:42 UTC (rev 213937)
+++ testing-x86_64/initcpio-hook-udev   2014-06-01 04:02:26 UTC (rev 213938)
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-run_earlyhook() {
-    kmod static-nodes --format=tmpfiles --output=/run/tmpfiles.d/kmod.conf
-    systemd-tmpfiles --prefix=/dev --create
-    /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-udevd --daemon --resolve-names=never
-    udevd_running=1
-run_hook() {
-    msg ":: Triggering uevents..."
-    udevadm trigger --action=add --type=subsystems
-    udevadm trigger --action=add --type=devices
-    udevadm settle
-run_cleanuphook() {
-    udevadm control --exit
-    udevadm info --cleanup-db
-# vim: set ft=sh ts=4 sw=4 et:

Deleted: testing-x86_64/initcpio-install-systemd
--- testing-x86_64/initcpio-install-systemd     2014-06-01 04:01:42 UTC (rev 
+++ testing-x86_64/initcpio-install-systemd     2014-06-01 04:02:26 UTC (rev 
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-strip_quotes() {
-  local len=${#1} quotes=$'[\'"]' str=${!1}
-  if [[ ${str:0:1} = ${str: -1} && ${str:0:1} = $quotes ]]; then
-    printf -v "$1" %s "${str:1:-1}"
-  fi
-add_udev_rule() {
-    # Add an udev rules file to the initcpio image. Dependencies on binaries
-    # will be discovered and added.
-    #   $1: path to rules file (or name of rules file)
-    local rules= rule= key= value= binary=
-    rules=$(PATH=/usr/lib/udev/rules.d:/lib/udev/rules.d type -P "$1")
-    if [[ -z $rules ]]; then
-        # complain about not found rules
-        return 1
-    fi
-    add_file "$rules"
-    while IFS=, read -ra rule; do
-        # skip empty lines, comments
-        [[ -z $rule || $rule = @(+([[:space:]])|#*) ]] && continue
-        for pair in "${rule[@]}"; do
-            IFS=' =' read -r key value <<< "$pair"
-            case $key in
-                RUN@({program}|+)|IMPORT{program}|ENV{REMOVE_CMD})
-                    strip_quotes 'value'
-                    # just take the first word as the binary name
-                    binary=${value%% *}
-                    if [[ ${binary:0:1} != '/' ]]; then
-                        binary=$(PATH=/usr/lib/udev:/lib/udev type -P 
-                    fi
-                    add_binary "$binary"
-                    ;;
-            esac
-        done
-    done <"$rules"
-add_systemd_unit() {
-    # Add a systemd unit file to the initcpio image. Hard dependencies on 
-    # and other unit files will be discovered and added.
-    #   $1: path to rules file (or name of rules file)
-    local unit= rule= entry= key= value= binary= dep=
-    unit=$(PATH=/usr/lib/systemd/system:/lib/systemd/system type -P "$1")
-    if [[ -z $unit ]]; then
-        # complain about not found unit file
-        return 1
-    fi
-    add_file "$unit"
-    while IFS='=' read -r key values; do
-        read -ra values <<< "$values"
-        case $key in
-            Requires|OnFailure)
-                # only add hard dependencies (not Wants)
-                map add_systemd_unit "${values[@]}"
-                ;;
-            Exec*)
-                # don't add binaries unless they are required
-                if [[ ${values[0]:0:1} != '-' ]]; then
-                    add_binary "${values[0]}"
-                fi
-                ;;
-        esac
-    done <"$unit"
-    # preserve reverse soft dependency
-    for dep in {/usr,}/lib/systemd/system/*.wants/${unit##*/}; do
-        if [[ -L $dep ]]; then
-            add_symlink "$dep"
-        fi
-    done
-    # add hard dependencies
-    if [[ -d $unit.requires ]]; then
-        for dep in "$unit".requires/*; do
-            add_systemd_unit ${dep##*/}
-        done
-    fi
-build() {
-    local rules unit
-    # from base
-    add_binary /bin/mount
-    add_binary /usr/bin/kmod /usr/bin/modprobe
-    # systemd
-    add_binary /usr/lib/systemd/systemd /init
-    add_binary /usr/bin/systemd-tmpfiles
-    # generators
-    add_file "/usr/lib/systemd/system-generators/systemd-fstab-generator"
-    add_file "/usr/lib/systemd/system-generators/systemd-gpt-auto-generator"
-    # udev rules and systemd units
-    map add_udev_rule "$rules" \
-            50-udev-default.rules \
-            60-persistent-storage.rules \
-            64-btrfs.rules \
-            80-drivers.rules \
-            99-systemd.rules \
-    map add_systemd_unit \
-   \
-            initrd-cleanup.service \
-   \
-            initrd-parse-etc.service \
-   \
-            initrd-switch-root.service \
-   \
-            initrd-udevadm-cleanup-db.service \
-   \
-            kmod-static-nodes.service \
-   \
-            systemd-fsck@.service \
-            systemd-journald.service \
-            systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service \
-            systemd-udev-trigger.service \
-            systemd-udevd-control.socket \
-            systemd-udevd-kernel.socket \
-            systemd-udevd.service
-    add_symlink "/usr/lib/systemd/system/" ""
-    # libdbus needs the passwd info of the root user
-    # TODO: make sure this is no longer necessary when systemctl moves to 
-    add_file "/etc/nsswitch.conf"
-    add_file "/etc/passwd"
-    add_binary "$(readlink -f /usr/lib/"
-    # udev wants /etc/group since it doesn't launch with --resolve-names=never
-    add_file "/etc/group"
-help() {
-    cat <<HELPEOF
-This will install a basic systemd setup in your initramfs, and is meant to
-replace the 'base', 'usr', 'udev' and 'timestamp' hooks. Other hooks with 
-components will need to be ported, and will not work as intended. You also may
-wish to still include the 'base' hook (before this hook) to ensure that a
-rescue shell exists on your initramfs.
-# vim: set ft=sh ts=4 sw=4 et:

Deleted: testing-x86_64/initcpio-install-udev
--- testing-x86_64/initcpio-install-udev        2014-06-01 04:01:42 UTC (rev 
+++ testing-x86_64/initcpio-install-udev        2014-06-01 04:02:26 UTC (rev 
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-build() {
-    local rules tool
-    add_file "/etc/udev/udev.conf"
-    add_binary /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-udevd
-    add_binary /usr/bin/udevadm
-    add_binary /usr/bin/systemd-tmpfiles
-    for rules in 50-udev-default.rules 60-persistent-storage.rules 
64-btrfs.rules 80-drivers.rules; do
-        add_file "/usr/lib/udev/rules.d/$rules"
-    done
-    for tool in ata_id scsi_id; do
-        add_file "/usr/lib/udev/$tool"
-    done
-    add_runscript
-help() {
-    cat <<HELPEOF
-This hook will use udev to create your root device node and detect the needed
-modules for your root device. It is also required for firmware loading in
-initramfs. It is recommended to use this hook.
-# vim: set ft=sh ts=4 sw=4 et:

Deleted: testing-x86_64/systemd.install
--- testing-x86_64/systemd.install      2014-06-01 04:01:42 UTC (rev 213937)
+++ testing-x86_64/systemd.install      2014-06-01 04:02:26 UTC (rev 213938)
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-sd_booted() {
-  [ -d /run/systemd/system ]
-add_privs() {
-  if ! setcap "$2" "$1" 2>/dev/null; then
-    echo "==> Warning: setcap failed, falling back to setuid root on /$1"
-    chmod u+s "$1"
-  fi
-add_journal_acls() {
-  # ignore errors, since the filesystem might not support ACLs
-  setfacl -Rnm g:wheel:rx,d:g:wheel:rx,g:adm:rx,d:g:adm:rx /var/log/journal/ 
-  :
-maybe_reexec() {
-  # don't reexec on 209-1 upgrade due to large infrastructural changes.
-  if [ "$(vercmp 209-1 "$2")" -eq 1 ]; then
-    echo ':: systemd has not been reexecuted. It is recommended that you'
-    echo '   reboot at your earliest convenience.'
-    return
-  fi
-  if sd_booted; then
-    systemctl --system daemon-reexec
-  fi
-_dir_empty() {
-  set -- "$1"/*
-  [ ! -e "$1" ] && [ ! -L "$1" ]
-post_common() {
-  systemd-machine-id-setup
-  add_privs usr/bin/systemd-detect-virt 'cap_dac_override,cap_sys_ptrace+ep'
-  udevadm hwdb --update
-  journalctl --update-catalog
-_208_changes() {
-  chown root:systemd-journal var/log/journal
-  chmod 2755 var/log/journal
-  if [ -e var/lib/backlight ] && [ ! -e var/lib/systemd/backlight ]; then
-    mv -T var/lib/backlight var/lib/systemd/backlight
-  fi
-  if [ -e var/lib/random-seed ] && [ ! -e var/lib/systemd/random-seed ]; then
-    mv -T var/lib/random-seed var/lib/systemd/random-seed
-  fi
-_209_changes() {
-  # attempt to preserve existing behavior
-  local old_rule=etc/udev/rules.d/80-net-name-slot.rules
-  local new_rule=etc/udev/rules.d/80-net-setup-link.rules
-  echo ":: Network device naming is now controlled by udev's net_setup_link"
-  echo "   builtin. Refer to the manpage for a full description."
-  # not clear what action we can take here, so don't do anything
-  [[ -e $new_rule ]] && return 0
-  # rename the old rule to the new one so that we preserve the user's
-  # existing option.
-  if [[ -e $old_rule ]]; then
-    printf ':: Renaming %s to %s in order\n' "${old_rule##*/}" 
-    printf '   to preserve existing network naming behavior.\n'
-    mv -v "$old_rule" "$new_rule"
-  else
-    echo ':: No changes have been made to your network naming configuration.'
-    echo '   Interfaces should continue to maintain the same names.'
-  fi
-_210_changes() {
-  if sd_booted; then
-    # If /etc/systemd/network is non-empty, then this is a 209 user who used
-    # networkd. Re-enable it for them.
-    if ! _dir_empty etc/systemd/network; then
-      systemctl enable systemd-networkd
-    fi
-  fi
-post_install() {
-  post_common "$@"
-  add_journal_acls
-  # enable getty@tty1 by default, but don't track the file
-  systemctl enable getty@tty1.service
-  echo ":: Append 'init=/usr/lib/systemd/systemd' to your kernel command line 
in your"
-  echo "   bootloader to replace sysvinit with systemd, or install 
-post_upgrade() {
-  post_common "$@"
-  maybe_reexec "$@"
-  if [ "$(vercmp 204-1 "$2")" -eq 1 ]; then
-    printf '==> The /bin/systemd symlink has been removed. Any references in 
-    printf '    bootloader (or elsewhere) must be updated to 
-  fi
-  if [ "$(vercmp 205-1 "$2")" -eq 1 ]; then
-    printf '==> systemd 205 restructures the cgroup hierarchy and changes 
-    printf '    protocols. You should reboot at your earliest convenience.\n'
-  fi
-  if [ "$(vercmp 206-1 "$2")" -eq 1 ]; then
-    printf '==> The "timestamp" hook for mkinitcpio no longer exists. If you 
-    printf '    this hook, you must remove it from /etc/mkinitcpio.conf. A 
-    printf '    hook has been added which provides this functionality, and 
-  fi
-  if [ "$(vercmp 208-1 "$2")" -eq 1 ]; then
-    _208_changes
-  fi
-  if [ "$(vercmp 208-8 "$2")" -eq 1 ]; then
-    add_journal_acls
-  fi
-  if [ "$(vercmp 209-1 "$2")" -eq 1 ]; then
-    _209_changes
-  fi
-  if [ "$(vercmp 210-1 "$2")" -eq 1 ]; then
-    _210_changes
-  fi
-# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:

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