Dieter Plaetinck schrieb:
I would definitely be interested in getting together with fellow Arch
guys, and it doesn't look too far, so I'm interested, but:
1) I am much more interested in the social aspect and/or meaningful IRL
discussions, rather then sitting in some booth promoting arch to
(potential) users.  do you guys plan to get a devroom and/or do more
meaningful things then "booth-sitting" ?

I was sitting at the booth a lot last year, but many of us where in the dev room. I also talked to some KDE people and viewed a total of two talks.

At least two people should be at the booth at all times though!

If you would come, we could talk about the AIF stuff and try some test installations, collect thoughts for improvements and so on, that's why your name popped into my mind when I saw you were from Belgium.

3) are the talks mostly in german? how much of a problem is it that I
don't speak german?

For the social part, it is no problem. You can only visit the English talks then, but talking to Arch devs, other Open Source people - virtually everyone in the Open Source community speaks English.

Jan was there in 2007 and he rejoined us in 2008, so it can't be THAT bad.

4) is there an entrance fee?

There will be a day in June or July when the FrOSCon people will want to know all the names of the project members that will join Arch at FrOSCon. If you can give us a definite yes until then, we will sign you up as part of the Arch project and there will be no fee. Last year we had:

- Free food at noon on Saturday
- Free food at the social event
- Free beer at the social event
- Free accomodations (we could sleep on the floor in our dev room, it's not too comfortable, but cheap)
- Free breakfast on Sunday
- Free food at noon on Sunday

I have no idea if they will repeat that, but I would imagine they will.

5) do you guys plan to go both days?

We're planning to have a booth, so we MUST stay both days, otherwise the organisers will be very angry.

However, keep this in mind: We only submitted our application so far, we haven't been accepted yet - although I think we will be.

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