On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 5:09 PM, Alexander Rødseth <rods...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> So, can we move kdelibs3 and gtk from [extra] to either [community] or AUR?

I'm for dropping all of this to AUR if possible. Pretty much all
mentioned applications have better alternatives already (well, maybe
not ktechlab, but that is a rather specific package).

> I prefer the GUI of qalculate-kde but I could live with qalculate-gtk.  I
> use this not very often.  Therefore I wouldn't mind removing kdelibs3 from
> the repos.  We might also remove qt3 as well.

There's some kde4 interface in the git repo, maybe you want to try that:

Good point with qt3, that's pretty ancient, too. And there are not
many packages using it either.


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