Hello everybody,

First of all, the following mail has nothing to do with the last two TU
applications, it's a general view on the current TU application process.

I would like to propose a new process for TU applications due to several

1. I have the feeling that most sponsors are not aware of the
   responsibility of sponsoring a new TU candidate. There is more to do
   than just approving their application. Candidates should get advice for
   and after the application process. This includes:
       * learning how to sign mails
       * getting feedback for their PKGBUILDs from their sponsoree
       * getting advice for building packages correctly via makechrootpkg
       * getting help for the post-application-process, when the candidate
         has been accepted.
       * directing the new candidates to our IRC channels or mailinglist
         for community intergration.

2. I have the feeling that most TUs only vote, because of our new
   stricter bylaws.

3. I miss more TU contribution in TU application processes as well.

I guess the reasons for the points above are missing time or missing
mood for actively participating in the discussion. Therefore I would
like to suggest some modifications to our TU application process. Here
are some ideas from a discussion we had last night in the TU IRC

1. Establishing a TU council, that get elected a certain time slot. The
   members of this council are responsible for accepting or rejecting a TU.
   Every TU can still sponsor or suggest a candidate, but the voting
   process will be done in this council only. The council should consist
   out of very active TUs and devs, who are known for a good package

2. Establishing a 2-sponsors-rule instead of the current policy of one

3. <your suggestion here>

Best regards from Germany
chris / shibumi

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