A quick followup after last weeks meeting!

The conference date is going to on the 10th and 11th of October. This was
probably the most important thing to decide on so we have something to work

For the Call for Participation (CFP), we have been looking at utilizing pretalx.
It's Open software, along with beeing used for the Chaos Communication Congress
for a number of years, ang other conferences. Currently I'm trying to figure out
if we can reach some deal with them, or self-host it.


For the streaming itself we are looking at using the Chaos Computer Club VOC and
media services. This would allow us to piggyback on great infrastructure for the
stream distribution, along with keeping the recording of the talks.


There currently is some technical stuff that needs to be fixed and figured out
regarding mixing and rtmp stream forwarding.

The next meeting is going to be 18th of August, 19:00 CEST. #archlinux-conf @ 

The plan is to try have meeting on regular intervals and keep them under an
hour. Feel free to join the next mumble meeting!

Sorry for not sending this out sooner, I have been in the middle of between two
apartments :)

And for fun, here is me testing some stream overlay stuff:

Morten Linderud

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