On 12/01/2009 01:31 PM, David C. Rankin wrote:
If you want to check which files are inside kernel26 , you have to do :
pacman -Ql kernel26

pacman -Ql kernel26 | grep snd-hda-intel
would be much more interesting and meaningful than
pacman -Q kernel26 | grep snd-hda-intel
which was just a small typo or overlook of Flavio.


12:28 alchemy:~/dt/kdm/themes> pacman -Ql kernel26 | grep snd-hda-intel
kernel26 /lib/modules/2.6.31-ARCH/kernel/sound/pci/hda/snd-hda-intel.ko

It's there, it's just sitting in sound-preoss.tar.bz2 right now. How to proceed??

Google is your friend:


Click the first link and it'll shed some light.


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