Aaron Griffin wrote:

Mechanisms have existed for like 20 years before dbus to communicate
with other programs.

and those don't require a user space daemon.

dbus is just another way to do it that has a
smell of "architecture astronomy" - as if they all scoffed at the
actual ways to do IPC on various Unicies and said "Oh, I can design

"Those who don't understand UNIX are condemned to reinvent it, poorly." – Henry Spencer

That's why I dislike it.


I'll add some additional points:
- it's implementation is large broken.
- most software depending on it, will crash when dbus
  crashes, or fail to start uncracefully, or behave unexpected.
- some systems are actually not supported by hal while
  they are by udev and have system-v IPCs.
- reinventing the wheel and calling it super-boat-2000
  isn't going to help anyone. Instead of fixing problems,
  people constantly create new ones.
- FDO is hierarchic and polical level.
  Dbus is hierarchic on technical level.
  FDO wishes to provide a better experience to users by
  integrating all software nicely into one global truth.
  The Foss ecosystem is not hierarchic.
  The Foss ecosystem does not require a single truth
  to rule them all.
  The Foss ecosystem does not require to be competitive
  with OtherOs.


Asgaard Technologies

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