On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 08:55, Philipp Überbacher <hollun...@lavabit.com> wrote:
> Hi.
> I have the same chip and same issue. I found out that the b43 devs
> didn't figure out yet how to get the chip to work correctly, so unless
> something changed during the last weeks/months there's no real solution.
> Using the apparently slower PIO instead of DMA is a kernel compiletime
> option so far, but I read that as a workaround it's a module load option
> beginning with .34.
> It's a pity, the chip should have worked beginning with I afair .30. I
> wasted loads of time trying to get it to work, without luck.
> The broadcom driver works afair, but it annoyed me for some reasons.
> So for now I'm looking forward to .34 to hopefully have at least working
> wifi, even if slow.

I did find that there is a PIO-related option that I can put in
modprobe.conf, but that doesn't seem to be address the problem I have
(I also read that the b43 driver revert back to PIO automatically if
there are DMA problems).  Next step I'll try one of the daily
snapshots via the compat-wireless package.  If that doesn't work I'll
be very irritated indeed, enough so to volunteer my services to the
b43 devs for any testing they need to have done.


Magnus Therning                        (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)
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