Because if there are 4 cores doing heavy CPU lifting of 4 threads, when one
is finished,  you then waste time loading up the next thread because it's
reading from the disk. If you have it already done with I/O it will be
ready and less time is wasted.

On Apr 1, 2012 9:09 AM, "Baho Utot" <> wrote:

> On 04/01/2012 08:37 AM, Calvin Morrison wrote:
>> Often higher cores benefit high I/O applications. If gcc is bottlenecking
>> at reading and writing,  sometimes more threads will help.
> How does that help?
> Sounds backwards to me
>  On Apr 1, 2012 7:49 AM, "Vitor 
> Garcia"<vitorlopesgarcia@**<>>
>>  wrote:
>>  On Sun, 01 Apr 2012 13:37:27 +0200
>>> Florian Pritz<>  wrote:
>>>  Simple tests (building readline because it's small) with -j4 and -j8
>>>> on my i7-920 show that -j8 is around 20% faster than -j4. IIRC
>>>> wikipedia states that HT core can increase performance by up to 30%.
>>> This is nice to know. I work with mechanichal engineering simulations
>>> and we have noted that using more threads then avaiable processors (we
>>> have a  2 x 6 cores processors that has HT, so it looks like a 24 cores
>>> server) increases the calculation time on the softwares we have. I
>>> assumed that the same would apply to any intensive task, and we have
>>> even disabled HT on the BIOS. Perhaps I'll enable it again.

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