On 07/02/2012 12:13 PM, Jelle van der Waa wrote:
On 02/07/12 19:09, mike cloaked wrote:
>There has been a fair amount of disruption to systems over a
>widespread geographic area due to the mutex leap second bug from
>midnight Saturday, and from what I read this was triggered by ntpd
>calling specific routines from the kernel - does anyone know if the
>same bug has also hit systems using chrony if that was in use instead
>of ntp?
>I guess that the kernel patches being written by John Stulz at
>https://lkml.org/lkml/2012/7/1/203  will filter through to a kernel
>update at some point?
If you don't have problems now, you don't even need to worry. Else just

The biggest problems I saw were with java based apps. I was running a couple of minecraft servers for my kids and as soon as the leap second was inserted:

/var/log/kernel.log.1:Jun 30 18:59:59 archangel kernel: [268959.468848] Clock: inserting leap second 23:59:60 UTC

minecraft servers on both boxes errored out with "Has system time changed -- unable to keep up" errors. Simply stopping and starting the applications was _not_ enough, it required a complete reboot of the system before minecraft_server in particular would run again.

I wondered how widespread the disruption would be, but just judging from my 2 boxes -- I knew it would be fairly widespread.

My setup was with dcron and ntp.

David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.

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