Am 26.03.2014 23:13, schrieb Gesh:
> Thanks for the pointers.
> If I understand what's going on correctly, units specify in their [Install] 
> section whether, when they're enabled, they should be pulled in by other 
> units.
> Those symlinks usually populate the appropriate directory under 
> /etc/systemd/system/.
> Besides that, some packages install symlinks under /usr/lib/systemd/system/ 
> as part of their files to get pulled in by other units without requiring user 
> intervention.

What this means for backing up the configuration is that you simply back
up /etc/systemd/system without resolving symlinks (and ignore that those
symlinks point to paths outside of your backup). rsync can do that for
you. This has the benefit of also backing up all permanent unit
overrides and drop-ins that the admin may have made.

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