On 06/14/2015 01:46 AM, Javier Vasquez wrote:

> I was looking for a way to mount google drive as a FS, and found [1] and [2].


> If someone is using whether fuse-google-drive or gdrivefs, please
> share any drawbacks, pitfalls, how to make it work in teh case of
> fuse-google-drive, and some other stuff you might want to share.
> I'm looking for light non gui dependent options, :-)

Does it have to be mounted as a FS?

I do not have any experience with any of these, but am using this
cli-client [0] which works very well and is actively (though
unofficially) supported by a Google insider. It is also available in the

It does not do background syncs as it's creator prefers a vcs-like push
& pull workflow.
It's definitely light and allows you to download only exactly what you
need without waiting for the rest to finish.


[0]: https://github.com/odeke-em/drive#why-another-google-drive-client
[1]: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/drive/

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