On Mon, 23 Oct 2017 16:20:12 -0400
matthew dyer via arch-general <arch-general@archlinux.org> wrote:

> Hi all.
> Yesterday, I notesed that Fenrir got a miner update in the AUER and when 
> trying to update, I receive a message force settings  could not be reconnized 
> or something to the efeect.  Any ideas on this one?  I  only made a change so 
> that keyboard keys speak.  I use yaourt to keep all my AUR packages updated.  
> If anyone has any way to get around this please let me know.  I am using 
> gnome 3.26.1 with all updates as well as orca master as of this morning.
> Thanks.
> Sent from Mail for Windows 10

1. Wrong mailing list. This should be on aur-general at best, or more likely
just on the package's AUR page.

2. We need exact errors.

3. When something in the AUR doesn't work, the first step should always be to
try it with makepkg.

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