On Thu, 31 Oct 2019 at 14:55, Giancarlo Razzolini
<grazzol...@archlinux.org> wrote:
> Em outubro 31, 2019 9:46 Damjan Georgievski via arch-general escreveu:
> > Can someone explain in better detail the changes in
> > * kmod 26-3
> > * mkinitcpio 27-1
> > * linux
> > around packaging and pacman hooks?
> >
> > I can see there's some reorganization of the hooks and scripts, and
> > the kernel package no longer
> > installing directly to /boot (which is a welcome change, the kernel is
> > now only in /usr/lib/modules/5.3.8-arch1-1/vmlinuz)
> > but it's not easy for me to reverse-understand what the bash scripts do 
> > exactly.
> >
> > I'm asking because I also use pacman hooks on the kernel and some
> > other files in order to create my combined kernel+initramfs+cmdline
> > UEFI executable signed for secure-boot, and it seems I'll have to
> > adopt to a newer setup.
> >
> >
> Hi Damjan,
> The kernel does not install itself anymore to /boot, as you've noticed. But, 
> the mkinitcpio
> hook does that. For now, we are replicating the same behavior as before, but 
> with a little
> more flexibility.
> I'm working on dracut hooks for doing a similar job, but the idea is that we 
> eventually will
> be more flexible with our booting, giving the user more options. Keep an eye 
> on the Arch announce
> mailing list, as well as the news on the Arch site.
> As for your hooks, we made so that the mkinitcpio hook runs at the same step 
> the previous linux
> hook would. So, there shouldn't be any incompatibilities. But, it depends on 
> what your hooks are.
> Also, you can completely override the mkinitcpio hooks by linking their 
> filenames to /dev/null on
> /etc/pacmand.d/hooks directory. But you'll be left doing the kernel 
> installation on your own.

Thanks for the info Giancarlo,

it's true that my hook works as before (I've tested that), but even my
original hook was suboptimal anyway,
since I needed to define one hook per kernel package. I'm wondering if
I can make a more general hook,
for example triggering on usr/lib/modules/*/pkgbase (or vmlinuz?) - is
that the recommended way now?


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