On 7/19/20 3:15 PM, Óscar García Amor via arch-general wrote:
> I can understand that packagers want to make things easy, but not in
> this case. I cannot have a full service installed with a new user
> created, only host, dig and nslookup commands. The splitted package
> bind and bind-tools had this option, but now I must install a service
> that I do not need which is annoying.
> There is any way to reconsider this?

Why do you care if a service is installed, if you aren't using that
service? Don't enable the service. You have lots of disabled services
installed already.

Why is it a problem if a system user is created that you don't need? You
have lots of system users you don't use, already. If it bothers you that
much, create a sysusers.d dropin override to prevent that user's creation.

I see no rationale to re-split the package. The arguments you're using
aren't arguments which arch typically values.

Eli Schwartz
Bug Wrangler and Trusted User

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