Em julho 22, 2020 14:15 LuKaRo escreveu:
On 7/22/20 1:55 PM, Marcus Hoffmann via arch-general wrote:

I just noticed the package pages linking to github, instead of
Is there a reason for that change? I remember a few weeks ago these links still pointed to git.archlinux.org, which I prefer over GitHub since it has been acquired by Microsoft.

The reason being that git.archlinux.org is being decommissioned at some point
in the future. As of now, the repositories on git.archlinux.org are still being
synced, but I expect that not to be the case soon.

Also, github is being used as mirror for most Arch Linux projects, but they are
being moved to a hosted gitlab instance, at gitlab.archlinux.org.

Giancarlo Razzolini

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