On 11.08.2020 05:25, David C. Rankin wrote:
On 8/10/20 10:10 PM, Eli Schwartz via arch-general wrote:
After that many errors, why did you try rebooting without fixing things
first? The obvious first step is to try rerunning all of those hooks
using a modern pacman.

(Do not do a year's worth of updates in one go like that, it's not
tested and might break. It is preferred instead to do incremental
updates via https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Arch_Linux_Archive in
e.g. monthly increments, but if you insist on doing the whole thing in
one shot then at least use the latest version of pacman via my
pacman-static binaries, or the install media + pacman --sysroot /mnt -Syu)

Thank you Eli,

   Well, to be honest, I knew pacman had been updated and I thought rebooting
would fix it :) -- Oh well, maybe not....

   pacman is fully updated now, right? So if I take that list and go back and
try re-running the hooks -- that may be one way to fix it? Worse come to
worse, I'll just wipe /root and reinstall...

I had the same problem too (but I did not reboot). I just reinstalled all 
packages using this:

I did it on all my servers without problems.


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