On Wed, Aug 19, 2020 at 9:25 PM Giancarlo Razzolini
<grazzol...@archlinux.org> wrote:

> I believe your printer works without hplip and using the driverless
> option. That's something you can also try.

'lsusb' is showing this device: <<Bus 001 Device 005: ID 03f0:2b17 HP,
Inc LaserJet 1020>>

'hp-firmware -n' is giving: <<error: No device found that support this

'hp-config_usb_printer -l warn 001:005' is giving: <<error: This is
not a valid device>>

But, 'hp-check' is finding it. The relevant portion is:
Type: Unknown
Device URI: usb://Unknown/Printer
PPD: /etc/cups/ppd/HP-LaserJet-1020.ppd
warning: Failed to read /etc/cups/ppd/HP-LaserJet-1020.ppd ppd file
PPD Description:
Printer Unable to send data to printer.0 disabled since Fri 21 Aug
2020 12:27:00 PM IST -
warning: Printer is not HPLIP installed. Printers must use the hp: or
hpfax: CUPS backend for HP-Devices.

'system-config-printer' is finding it out. But it is not printing the test-page.

Can anyone please suggest anything?

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