On Mon, 12 Oct 2020 at 13:12, Jörg Jellissen
<joerg.jellis...@t-online.de> wrote:
> Hello,
> no it doesn't work yet
> now i have changed like this
> chmod -R go= ~/.gnupug
> but in evolution comes a minimal different error
> Detailed error message: Output from gpg2:
> gpg: write after '-'
> gpg: pinentry launched (6884 curses 1.1.0 - -: 0)
> gpg: Authentication failed: Inappropriate IOCTL (I / O control) for the
> device
> gpg: signing failed: Unsuitable IOCTL (I / O control) for the device
> and the ls -lah says
> drwx------  3 joerg users 4,0K 12. Okt 13:07 .
> drwx------ 29 joerg users 4,0K 11. Okt 18:48 ..
> drwx------  2 joerg users 4,0K  9. Okt 21:13 private-keys-v1.d
> -rw-------  1 joerg users 2,5K  9. Okt 21:13 pubring.kbx
> -rw-------  1 joerg users   32  9. Okt 21:13 pubring.kbx~
> -rw-------  1 joerg users    7 10. Okt 19:41 reader_0.status
> -rw-------  1 joerg users 1,3K  9. Okt 21:13 trustdb.gpg
> i forgot to say the i have my key transfered to a yubikey
> (PIV=Smartcard) but the key is pluged in the usb device

OK, in that case make sure scdaemon is installed and running as your
user.  It's best to start it every time with your graphical
shell/session.  The private-keys-v1.d will only have a "stub" key and
reference the card.



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