On 08/03/2018 01:48 PM, Jouke Witteveen via arch-projects wrote:
> Hello all,
> I cannot send to arch-dev-public and don't know where to post this
> otherwise, so I'll just put this out here.
> With systemd 239, a deprecation message is printed in the journal for
> enabled netctl profiles (FS#59494). This currently has no effect on
> the functionality of either systemd or netctl. Nevertheless, the next
> version of netctl, which is not yet released, will move away from the
> deprecated features. However, the warnings are caused by unit files
> generated by netctl, so an update will not simply make the warnings go
> away.
> Here is a draft for a news post to accompany the next version of
> netctl down the line.
> Regards,
> - Jouke
> ----
> Title: netctl 1.18 may require manual intervention
> In response to the explicit deprecation of .include statements in
> systemd units, netctl has modified its unit management. This change
> only affects individually enabled netctl profiles. To use the new
> management scheme, all enabled profiles must be reenabled after
> updating netctl. This can be done through `netctl reenable <profile>`.
> No action is needed for the automatic netctl services.

Why would it need manual intervention? Does netctl not work if you use
the old format? From systemd's side, the whole reason it is a
deprecation warning is because it will continue to work for some time
until they finally ditch it entirely.

I would assume that existing netctl profiles which aren't reenabled
would continue to successfully use the old, deprecated unit files?

Eli Schwartz
Bug Wrangler and Trusted User

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