On 1/17/20 8:19 AM, Vladimir Panteleev wrote:
> If the user has a non-canonical (i.e. symlinked on Arch) location in
> front of their $PATH, such as /usr/sbin, shutil.which will return
> locations with that path. This later causes the rule to fail to find
> the binary in any packages, causing spurious
> library-no-package-associated and dependency-not-needed warnings.
> Fix this by resolving all symlinks for executables (using
> os.path.realpath) before trying to find them among installed packages.

FWIW a lot of software will break if you do this, not just namcap.
There's an exceedingly good reason why /usr/sbin and other symlink
directories are *not* added to the $PATH on archlinux, unless the user
has unwisely added it by hand.

Eli Schwartz
Bug Wrangler and Trusted User

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