Dear Alexei,

I see this ghost EH data both in the advanced search results (the 10 
results with summaries) and on the map (both at an aggregated level when 
zoomed out or down to the polygon when zoomed in).  When I click to see the 
report through either interface (search results or hover over menu on the 
map) the report window comes up but it just endlessly says it is loading 
until I close the window.

When you get a chance, could you send me back the cleaned up resource_info 
file so that I can double check the problem with line 6?  I'm working on 
importing a couple thousand sites and want to double check this so as to 
avoid this problem with the other records.  I'm pretty sure it has to be 
the comma, but want to make sure before I remove them all.



On Thursday, October 23, 2014 1:54:50 PM UTC-5, Alexei Peters wrote:
> Hi Scott,
> When you say that you still see the EH data, do you mean you still see it 
> in the map?  Or can you also get a populated report as well (for instance 
> when you click the 'report' link when you hover over an item on the map)?
> Cheers,
> Alexei
> Director of Web Development - Farallon Geographics, Inc. - 971.227.3173
> On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 7:01 AM, Scott Branting < 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> Dear Alexei,
>> Thank you very much for doing that.  It is good to know that the file is 
>> almost correct, that was the point of what I was trying to do.  I've looked 
>> at the file and didn't see any quotes in line 6.  There is a comma there, 
>> but no quotes.  Was the comma the offending character?  There were also 
>> some apostrophes in line 34, that isn't what you were referring to was it?  
>> Could you perhaps send me back the cleaned up file so that I can double 
>> check?
>> I'll shift the coordinate system for the point geometry.  It's a next 
>> step that I hadn't moved on to yet.  It's in a Spherical Mercator. 
>> I just tried running the build/install_arches_db.bat, runserver.bat, and 
>> build/install_packages.bat without any resource_info.csv or 
>> resouce_info_small.csv in the archesproject\packages\cds\source_data 
>> directory.  It ran without any issues and yielded the same result of 
>> displaying the EH data.  That seems very odd to me.  I just want to double 
>> check with you that the directory location is correct.  If that is the 
>> correct directory then my next step would be to try a fresh install of 
>> arches from the start, unless you have any other ideas?  
>> We're in the process of getting the production server up and running, so 
>> getting this corrected with a full re-installation on the dev machine that 
>> I was using to test the load file is less pressing and may have to wait a 
>> week or two.  
>> Thank you,
>> Scott
>> On Wednesday, October 22, 2014 7:08:53 PM UTC-5, Alexei Peters wrote:
>>> Hi Scott,
>>> Well, I'm happy to say that I was able to import your data successfully!
>>> I did have to remove the quotes from line 6 on the larger file, but that 
>>> was it. 
>>> In the process I did find a bug in our code, but have already pushed a 
>>> fix for that.  (The bug didn't prevent me from loading and seeing you data 
>>> though).
>>> The only thing that you need to change in your files is the way you're 
>>> representing your spatial data.  Right now it looks like you may be using 
>>> some type of projection (eg: POINT (4364068.9999 4102410.5022))
>>> What you should be using is lat/lon (eg: POINT (-2.29100433423506 
>>> 54.4308148851311))
>>> Although, the coordinates were wrong, I was still able to install and 
>>> see your data without making any changes to it (other than the "quote" 
>>> issue).
>>> Other than that everything looked good to me.
>>> All I did was replace the contents resource_info_small.csv with the 
>>> contents of your file.
>>> Then I ran build/install_arches_db.bat, ran runserver.bat, and finally 
>>> ran build/install_packages.bat
>>> So, maybe something else is going on?  Maybe we can setup a GoToMeeting 
>>> and we could try to debug the issue.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Alexei
>>> Director of Web Development - Farallon Geographics, Inc. - 971.227.3173
>>> On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 1:48 PM, Scott Branting <> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> I should have mentioned that I am still getting EH data even after that 
>>>> last step of reinstalling Django and Elastic Search.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Scott
>>>> On Wednesday, October 22, 2014 3:46:38 PM UTC-5, Scott Branting wrote:
>>>>> Dear Alexei,
>>>>> Thank you for your quick reply.  
>>>>> Yes, I'm a bit perplexed as well.  
>>>>> Yes, I am referencing the same entitytypeid's found in the resource 
>>>>> graphs.  I've sent you the file so that you can look over what I put 
>>>>> together and see if there is a fault there.
>>>>> I was reinstalling a bit out of order:  start elasticsearch, 
>>>>> install_arches_db, 
>>>>> build, and install_packages.  I've changed that and followed the 
>>>>> steps you specified: install_arches_db, start elasticsearch, and 
>>>>> install_packages.  I'm still getting persistent EH data that shows up 
>>>>> every 
>>>>> time that I view the localhost:8000/Arches/index.htm.  I then tried 
>>>>> stepping back and reinstalling Django and Elastic Search and then 
>>>>> continuing on with the install and build and loading of the data 
>>>>> management 
>>>>> package.  
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Scott
>>>>> On Wednesday, October 22, 2014 1:28:31 PM UTC-5, Alexei Peters wrote:
>>>>>> HI Scott,
>>>>>> Welcome to Archesproject!  
>>>>>> From what you've said in your email you should be seeing your new 
>>>>>> data.  Does your new data reference the same entitytypeid's found in the 
>>>>>> existing resource graphs?
>>>>>> Maybe you could send me your new resource_info file and I could test 
>>>>>> locally.  Rerunning the install_arches_db script should delete all the 
>>>>>> contents from the database, so I'm a bit perplexed as to why you're 
>>>>>> still 
>>>>>> seeing the EH data. 
>>>>>> Did you start the elasticsearch process before you reran the 
>>>>>> installation?  The steps to reinstall are: install_arches_db, start 
>>>>>> elasticsearch, and install_packages.
>>>>>> Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Alexei
>>>>>> Director of Web Development - Farallon Geographics, Inc. - 
>>>>>> 971.227.3173
>>>>>> On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 7:33 AM, Scott Branting <> 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> We've been following this thread while attempting to import our own 
>>>>>>> data into our installation of Arches v2 on a windows 7 x64 machine.  
>>>>>>> We've 
>>>>>>> modified and replaced the resource_info.csv file with a small amount of 
>>>>>>> our 
>>>>>>> test data and put the new file in the CDS package.  We've then gone 
>>>>>>> back 
>>>>>>> through the steps of clearing the running install_arches_db, build, and 
>>>>>>> install_packages.  However, at the end of that we're still seeing the 
>>>>>>> test 
>>>>>>> data from English Heritage rather than our new data on the localhost.  
>>>>>>> Am I 
>>>>>>> missing a step(s)?  Do we need to make further alterations to certain 
>>>>>>> authority documents or resource graphs?  I'm assuming that if it was a 
>>>>>>> syntax error in the new resource_info.csv file that it would have 
>>>>>>> errored 
>>>>>>> out during the build and install process.  Is that correct?  
>>>>>>> Thank you and have a great day,
>>>>>>> Scott
>>>>>>> On Tuesday, October 14, 2014 3:21:20 AM UTC-5, Eloise Stancioff 
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Thanks Adam! Hopefully, all will go well!
>>>>>>>> Have a nice day
>>>>>>>> Eloise
>>>>>>>> On Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 7:34 PM, Adam Lodge <> 
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>  Eloise, 
>>>>>>>>> From the perspective of a clean Arches install, the order of 
>>>>>>>>> operations would be as follows:
>>>>>>>>> 1. Prepare your authority documents files (including 
>>>>>>>>> administrative area)
>>>>>>>>> 2. Populate the resource_info file with your own data - per the 
>>>>>>>>> example I gave you
>>>>>>>>> 3. Run the build process (including data load)
>>>>>>>>> 4. Configure your settings (including map_config.)
>>>>>>>>> Given that rosy scenario, everything should be easy - assuming 
>>>>>>>>> your data are perfectly set up. 
>>>>>>>>> On the front of perfectly set up data… another point of note about 
>>>>>>>>> administrative area authority document: You will want to either 
>>>>>>>>> delete or 
>>>>>>>>> file 
>>>>>>>>> to be consistent with your administrative area data.  Specifically, 
>>>>>>>>> you 
>>>>>>>>> will want to add the appropriate "admin area type" values and remove 
>>>>>>>>> the 
>>>>>>>>> ones with value type of "geometry".
>>>>>>>>> In reality though, it is likely that you have already attempted to 
>>>>>>>>> build and load data, and that will require some backtracking on the 
>>>>>>>>> software install that Alexei is more qualified to chime in on than I 
>>>>>>>>> am. 
>>>>>>>>> Unless you already know that this order of operations will not 
>>>>>>>>> work for you, then give it a shot.  I may have to pass the torch to 
>>>>>>>>> Alexei 
>>>>>>>>> though on next steps if it doesn't work.
>>>>>>>>> Adam
>>>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>>>> Adam Lodge
>>>>>>>>> Geospatial Systems Consultant
>>>>>>>>> Farallon Geographics
>>>>>>>>> 415.317.6625
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