Wonderful! That fixed the issue with the forms file.
Thanks a lot

I still can't see the drop down menu though because there is another
console error saying:
Uncaught Error: You cannot apply bindings multiple times to the same

which is kind of weird because I don't think I applied multiple bindings to
the same element.

On Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 8:11 PM, Adam Cox <mr.adam...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Oh, it looks like resource.py originally has this line:
> from arches_hip.models import forms
> you'll need to comment that out and add
> import forms
> in order to reference the correct forms.py file.
> Hopefully that should do it.  The select2 error should be solved too.
> Adam
> On Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 11:57 AM, Mai Abdelaziz El Kady <
> mai.abdela...@aucegypt.edu> wrote:
>> Hi Adam,
>> Thanks a lot for your quick response.
>> I am not using Apache, I am using the default django development server,
>> so I am not sure why this is happening. I should probably mention that the
>> resource.py in the same directory as forms.py have a corresponding
>> resource.pyc file, which got me thinking that maybe there is something
>> wrong with the forms.py file, but I can't detect that anyway, I only
>> changed a few lines.
>> As for the error messages from the console, this was it: Uncaught
>> cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/knockout/3.3.0/knockout-min.js:66   query
>> function not defined for Select2 undefined.
>> But like you said, I should probably fix the issue in the forms.py first.
>> I'd appreciate it if you have more ideas about what could be wrong.
>> Thanks a lot
>> --
>> Mai
>> On Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 7:36 PM, Adam Cox <mr.adam...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Mai,
>>> First, yes, the lack of .pyc file indicates that your forms.py file has
>>> not been referenced.  If you are using apache to serve your app, you'll
>>> need to restart apache each time your change a .py file.  If you're running
>>> the dev server, it will recognize changes to .py files and reset itself
>>> (you can see this happen in the console).
>>> Second, I'd recommend turning on developer tools in whatever browser you
>>> are using and check out the console.  You will probably see an error there,
>>> which may (or may not!) be helpful in figuring out what's going on.  One
>>> note, I was actually just editing the classification form, and it's a
>>> little more complex because it's a wizard form.  You'll see that in the js
>>> file, there is actually one more place that you need to reference your new
>>> node.
>>> Still, the forms.py issue is probably the first thing to tackle...
>>> On Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 11:26 AM, Mai Abdelaziz El Kady <
>>> mai.abdela...@aucegypt.edu> wrote:
>>>> Hi Adam & Alexei,
>>>> So far I've made changes to forms.py, classification.htm and
>>>> classification.js and uncommented the RESOURCE_MODEL line in settings.py,
>>>> but something is not working correctly, I don't think that my new additions
>>>> in forms.py are taken into consideration. I am modifying the classification
>>>> form to add a new field: dynasty, which is a new node on the resource graph
>>>> that I have previously added and I also added its corresponding authority
>>>> documents.
>>>> However I noticed that when I load the page all seem to work well
>>>> except for the dynasty field (there is no drop down list and even the place
>>>> holder text is not visible). I also noticed that in my project's models
>>>> directory where the new forms.py is, there is no forms.pyc, would that
>>>> indicate that it wasn't interpreted or something?
>>>> I have included below the parts of the 3 files that I have modified,
>>>> but basically I was following the steps in this thread(
>>>> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/archesproject/forms.py/archesproject/_YyRG8wFUGs/EhXHFmB6w28J
>>>>  ):
>>>> forms.py:
>>>> class ClassificationForm(ResourceForm):
>>>>     def update(self, data, files):
>>>>         self.update_nodes('HERITAGE_RESOURCE_TYPE.E55', data)
>>>>         self.update_nodes('TO_DATE.E49', data)
>>>>         self.update_nodes('FROM_DATE.E49', data)
>>>>         self.update_nodes('HERITAGE_RESOURCE_USE_TYPE.E55', data)
>>>>         self.update_nodes('CULTURAL_PERIOD.E55', data)
>>>>         self.update_nodes('STYLE.E55', data)
>>>>         self.update_nodes('ANCILLARY_FEATURE_TYPE.E55', data)
>>>>         self.update_nodes('DYNASTY.E55', data) #added this
>>>>     def load(self, lang):
>>>>         self.data = {
>>>>             'data': [],
>>>>             'domains': {
>>>>                 'HERITAGE_RESOURCE_TYPE.E55':
>>>> Concept().get_e55_domain('HERITAGE_RESOURCE_TYPE.E55'),
>>>>                 'HERITAGE_RESOURCE_USE_TYPE.E55' :
>>>> Concept().get_e55_domain('HERITAGE_RESOURCE_USE_TYPE.E55'),
>>>>                 'CULTURAL_PERIOD.E55' :
>>>> Concept().get_e55_domain('CULTURAL_PERIOD.E55'),
>>>>                 'STYLE.E55' : Concept().get_e55_domain('STYLE.E55'),
>>>>                 'ANCILLARY_FEATURE_TYPE.E55' :
>>>> Concept().get_e55_domain('ANCILLARY_FEATURE_TYPE.E55'),
>>>>        'DYNASTY.E55' : Concept().get_e55_domain('DYNASTY.E55')
>>>>             }
>>>>         }
>>>>         classification_entities =
>>>> self.resource.find_entities_by_type_id('PHASE_TYPE_ASSIGNMENT.E17')
>>>>         for entity in classification_entities:
>>>>             to_date_nodes =
>>>> datetime_nodes_to_dates(self.get_nodes(entity, 'TO_DATE.E49'))
>>>>             from_date_nodes =
>>>> datetime_nodes_to_dates(self.get_nodes(entity, 'FROM_DATE.E49'))
>>>>             self.data['data'].append({
>>>>                 'HERITAGE_RESOURCE_TYPE.E55': {
>>>>                     'branch_lists': self.get_nodes(entity,
>>>>                 },
>>>>                 'HERITAGE_RESOURCE_USE_TYPE.E55': {
>>>>                     'branch_lists': self.get_nodes(entity,
>>>>                 },
>>>>                 'CULTURAL_PERIOD.E55': {
>>>>                     'branch_lists': self.get_nodes(entity,
>>>>                 },
>>>>                 'TO_DATE.E49': {
>>>>                     'branch_lists': to_date_nodes
>>>>                 },
>>>>                 'FROM_DATE.E49': {
>>>>                     'branch_lists': from_date_nodes
>>>>                 },
>>>>                 'STYLE.E55': {
>>>>                     'branch_lists': self.get_nodes(entity, 'STYLE.E55')
>>>>                 },
>>>>                 'ANCILLARY_FEATURE_TYPE.E55': {
>>>>                     'branch_lists': self.get_nodes(entity,
>>>>                 },
>>>>                 'PHASE_TYPE_ASSIGNMENT.E17': {
>>>>                     'branch_lists': self.get_nodes(entity,
>>>>                 },
>>>>        'DYNASTY.E55': {
>>>>                     'branch_lists': self.get_nodes(entity,
>>>> 'DYNASTY.E55')
>>>>                 }
>>>>             })
>>>> classification.htm:
>>>>         <!--Existing Classifications-->
>>>> <dl>
>>>>                             <dt class="arches-evaluation-header">{%
>>>> trans "DYNASTY" %}</dt>
>>>>                             <dd class="arches-evaluation-content"
>>>> data-bind="if: $data['DYNASTY.E55'].branch_lists.length > 0">
>>>>                                 <span data-bind="html:
>>>> $data['DYNASTY.E55'].branch_lists[0].nodes[0].label"></span>
>>>>                             </dd>
>>>>                             <dd class="arches-evaluation-content"
>>>> data-bind="ifnot: $data['DYNASTY.E55'].branch_lists.length > 0">
>>>>                                 <span data-bind="html: 'no
>>>> entries'"></span>
>>>>                             </dd>
>>>>                         </dl>
>>>>  and here:
>>>> <div id="dynasty-section" class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6">
>>>> <div style="padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 0px;">
>>>>     <input style="width:100%" class="select2 arches-select2-crud-form"
>>>> data-bind="select2: {value: getEditedNode('DYNASTY.E55', 'value'),
>>>> placeholder: '{% trans "Dynasty" %}',  dataKey: 'DYNASTY.E55'}">
>>>>     </input>
>>>> </div>
>>>> <!-- Spacer for xs screens -->
>>>> <div class="margin-top-5 hidden-lg hidden-md hidde-sm"></div>
>>>>                                                                 </div>
>>>> classification.js:
>>>>             this.addBranchList(new BranchList({
>>>>                 el: this.$el.find('#dynasty-section')[0],
>>>>                 data: currentEditedClassification,
>>>>                 dataKey: 'DYNASTY.E55',
>>>>                 singleEdit: true
>>>>             }));
>>>> Thanks a lot
>>>> --
>>>> Mai
>>>> On Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 9:35 PM, Adam Cox <mr.adam...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Mai, yes, those are the three places you'll need to make changes to
>>>>> support new nodes.  However, you'll also need to uncomment the
>>>>> RESOURCE_MODEL line in your app's settings.py file, to make sure that it
>>>>> points to the location of your new resource.py file.
>>>>> If you've done all of these things but are still having trouble, let
>>>>> us know what errors you're finding.
>>>>> Adam
>>>>> On Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 9:01 AM, <mai.abdela...@aucegypt.edu> wrote:
>>>>>> Hello All,
>>>>>> I just wanted to make sure that I am following the correct steps
>>>>>> after adding new nodes to the resource graphs, According to my
>>>>>> understanding and to reading some responses on the group here, I know 
>>>>>> that
>>>>>> I should make changes in forms.py, and to some html and js files.
>>>>>> I have modified html and js files with no problems before. but there
>>>>>> seems to be an issue when I modify the forms.py file.
>>>>>> Basically what I did was copy the forms.py and resource.py files from
>>>>>> arches-hip to my project directory/models then I made the necessary 
>>>>>> changes
>>>>>> to forms.py.
>>>>>> Is there some file somewhere else that I need to modify as well?
>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Mai
>>>>>> --
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