The Arches team has been busy trying to improve Arches and fix a several 
bugs as well.

Below you'll find a listing of all the changes that are included in the 
latest release.

*Some of the highlights:*

   - Arches now saves a resource instance only after a tile is saved
   - Adds the ability for users to reset forgotten passwords
   - Displays tile edits in edit history rather than recently created 
   - Allows users to add custom popup content for overlay features
   - Enables import and export of node and resource instance datatypes
   - Prevents displaying or zooming to restricted resources in the search 
   - Allows admins to specify a local coordinate system for more accurate 
   search buffer calculations
   - Many other small improvements

*Upgrading Arches*

Users are encouraged to update at their earliest convenience.  Because this 
is a micro release, it is only necessary for most users to upgrade rather 
than reinstall arches.

You can upgrade by running the following command in your activated virtual 

    pip install arches --upgrade

If you have Arches running on a web server such as Apache, be sure to 
update your static files directory and restart your web server.

As always the documentation can be found at

*Upgrading an Arches project*

If you created a project using 4.1.0, your exiting project should work with 
4.1.1. However, you may want to add the ANALYSIS_COORDINATE_SYSTEM_SRID 
setting to your project's file and assign a local spatial 
reference (SRID) relevant to your project. This will make search buffer 
distances more accurate.

Note - the units of the coordinate system must be meters.


   - Allows disabled state of switch widget. re #2701
   - Add rule to prevent importing the same relations twice. re #2533
   - Postpones creation of a resource instance until a tile has been saved. 
   re #2573
   - Disables items in a resource's manage menu (copy, delete, go to 
   report, edit history) as well as the related resources link until a tile is 
   saved against the resource instance. re #2573
   - Replaces the 3-way switch with a 2-way switch in the card 
   configuration form and report editor. re #2979
   - Switches recent edits table from showing newly added resources to 
   actual tile edits. Adds display name and user info to creation and deletion 
   edits. re #2293
   - Uses the language default language if only one language is identified 
   as the default. If multiple languages or no languages are defined as 
   default, the language in settings.LANGUAGE_CODE is used. re #1923
   - Adds indication that a map widget config's accordion panel is 
   closed/open, re #2883
   - Disables links within edit history to deleted resource instances. re 
   - Moves thesauri and collection tool menus into a single dropdown. re 
   - Add min-height to allow scrollbars in firefox #1989 (#3029)
   - Add shims to base.htm head for IE to use search page #2993 (#3048)
   - Fixes tile save in safari and internet explorer, re #2534
   - Docker: Respects project when running arbitrary commands
   - Allow lists to scroll independently from their container. re #2853
   - Adds custom popup to tileserver vector layer, re #2549
   - Adds ALLOWED_POPUP_HOSTS so that users can specify permitted domains 
   from which to allow popup data. re #2549
   - Sets the database of a tileserver config file to the default database 
   of a project so that vector sql files get loaded properly. re #2549
   - Updates resource instance datatype validation to handle for missing 
   resource instance ids. re #2967
   - Enables import of resource instance datatypes in csv files. re #2967
   - Replaces 'ERROR' with 'WARNING' when related instances are missing. 
   Transforms resourceid list on import and export for the 
   resource-instance-list type. re #2967
   - Ensures csv business data loaded from a package has a mapping file. re 
   - Abbreviates a resource name in the resource filter list with an 
   ellipsis if the name is longer than 55 char. re #3124
   - Implements django-password-reset. re #3119
   - Adds ability to import and export node value datatype, re #3059, #3060
   - Fixes sorting on date in the edit log.
   - Allows user to specify analysis SRID for better search buffer 
   accuracy. re #3244
   - Displays error if a user tries to delete a resource model with 
   instances. re #3282
   - Filters points in the search map on permitted nodegroups, re #2492

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