Hi Dale, this issue doesn't sound familiar to me, but there is a command
that could help you troubleshoot:

    python manage.py whatisthis 065b7267-e746-11e6-84a6-026d961c88e6


On Thu, Nov 1, 2018 at 11:28 AM Dale Lloyd <dale.ll...@oxcis.ac.uk> wrote:

> The output of 'python manage.py showmigrations' is:
> admin
>  [X] 0001_initial
>  [X] 0002_logentry_remove_auto_add
> auth
>  [X] 0001_initial
>  [X] 0002_alter_permission_name_max_length
>  [X] 0003_alter_user_email_max_length
>  [X] 0004_alter_user_username_opts
>  [X] 0005_alter_user_last_login_null
>  [X] 0006_require_contenttypes_0002
>  [X] 0007_alter_validators_add_error_messages
>  [X] 0008_alter_user_username_max_length
> contenttypes
>  [X] 0001_initial
>  [X] 0002_remove_content_type_name
> guardian
>  [X] 0001_initial
> models
>  [X] 0001_initial
>  [X] 0002_40b4
>  [X] 0003_40b4
>  [X] 0004_4_0_1
>  [X] 0005_4_0_1
>  [X] 0006_4_0_1
>  [X] 0007_4_0_1
>  [X] 0008_4_0_1
>  [X] 0009_4_0_1
>  [X] 0010_4_1_0
>  [X] 2533_duplicated_concept_relation_import
>  [X] 2337_fuzzy_dates
>  [X] 2891_tile_qa_schema
>  [X] 2891_adds_tile_provisional_json
>  [X] 2293_recent_edits
>  [X] 2974_provisionaledits_in_editlog
>  [X] 3098_custom_map_markers
>  [X] 3199_graphmodel_color
>  [X] 3201_remove_node_and_nodetype_branches
>  [X] 3210_card_components
>  [X] 3314_graphmodel_jsonldcontext
>  [X] 3201_replace_node_and_nodetype_branches
>  [X] 3201_second_removal_of_node_nodetype_branch
>  [X] deserialize_provisional_edits
>  [X] 3385_add_provisional_user_fields
>  [X] 3454_graph_node_sort_order
>  [X] 3601_remove_forms
>  [X] 3724_report_manager
>  [X] 3724_report_manager_2
>  [X] 3725_cardmodel_cssclass
>  [X] 3789_card_config
>  [X] 3808_card_component_command
>  [X] 3965_cardxnodexwidget_visible
> oauth2_provider
>  [X] 0001_initial
>  [X] 0002_08_updates
>  [X] 0003_auto_20160316_1503
>  [X] 0004_auto_20160525_1623
>  [X] 0005_auto_20170514_1141
>  [X] 0006_auto_20171214_2232
> sessions
>  [X] 0001_initial
> The output of 'python manage.py migrate' is:
> Operations to perform:
>   Apply all migrations: admin, auth, contenttypes, guardian, models,
> oauth2_prov
> Running migrations:
>   No migrations to apply.
> --
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