
Thanks for all the tips. After a fresh install, when I run *setup_db*, I 
still get the following error, pasted below.

On the app server, I can connect to the database server without issue using 
pgAdmin. I have created the blank db for Arches there, as per Ryan's 
suggestion. The postgis template exists on the server and I used it as a 
template to create the db. This should not be a port issue since I am able 
to connect with pgAdmin.

I have set the db connection parameters in the *settings_local* file. I 
know the host, database name, username and password strings should be 
correct because I get a different error if I intentionally mess them up. 
The error below is likely caused by something else, and it seems that the 
SSL connection just breaks right away. It is not complaining about SSL 
version, but I might look into that a bit.

(ENV) C:\Projects\arches_parks>python manage.py setup_db
Are you sure you want to destroy and rebuild your database? [y/N] y
Drop and recreate the database...

SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pid) FROM pg_stat_activity
    WHERE datname IN ('azure_arches', 'template_postgis');
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "manage.py", line 30, in <module>
line 381, in execute_from_command_line
line 375, in execute
  File "C:\Projects\ENV\lib\site-packages\django\core\management\base.py", 
line 323, in run_from_argv
    self.execute(*args, **cmd_options)
  File "C:\Projects\ENV\lib\site-packages\django\core\management\base.py", 
line 364, in execute
    output = self.handle(*args, **options)
line 52, in handle
line 186, in setup_db
line 137, in drop_and_recreate_db
*psycopg2.errors.AdminShutdown: terminating connection due to administrator 
*SSL connection has been closed unexpectedly*

On Wednesday, April 14, 2021 at 11:30:27 AM UTC-7 mr.ad...@gmail.com wrote:

> Hi Markus, I use this setup for my installations. It works as expected, 
> but you make a few good points. This is definitely a section of the 
> documentation I've been wanting to update for a while... 
> https://github.com/archesproject/arches-docs/issues/115
> For your Azure connection issues, like Ryan said it could be a firewall 
> issue. Make sure your db server allows access via port 5432 from your app 
> server. On AWS I found that I needed to allow access from the app server's 
> *private* ip address, not public one, to facilitate this connection. 
> Easiest of course would be to open up 5432 to any incoming connections, but 
> that's not a very secure solution....
> As for the local postgres installation, originally arches did require the 
> postgres client pqsl locally to facilitate all of the setup_db commands, 
> but we've tried to factor that out (
> https://github.com/archesproject/arches/issues/4803). It's really a 
> consequence of relying for a long time on an installation process that 
> expects a postgres superuser (discussed a bit here: 
> https://github.com/archesproject/arches/issues/2636). Ultimately, you can 
> now run all of the normal arches development management commands without 
> having postgres/psql locally, but you will need to create your database 
> ahead of time and add the postgis and uuid-ossp extensions to it.
> Hope that helps a bit,
> Adam
> On Wed, Apr 14, 2021 at 1:26 PM Markus S. <markus....@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Ryan,
>> Thanks, this is very helpful. That's pretty much what I had already 
>> tried. On the app server, I had used PGAdmin to connect to the db server 
>> and the connection was successful. Using pgAdmin, I had also created the 
>> blank db with the PostGIS template on it.
>> It sounds like I just need to try again and double-check the settings 
>> file. I'll report back my findings.
>> Markus
>> On Wednesday, April 14, 2021 at 11:15:41 AM UTC-7 Ryan Anderson wrote:
>>> Hi Markus,
>>> I've done this a bunch with Amazon's RDS service. It sounds like 
>>> generally you are on the right track. More detail about the errors you're 
>>> seeing would be helpful, but I'll try to recount additional things that may 
>>> be necessary here.
>>> First, check that your postgres port is open on your db server (usually 
>>> this is 5432) and accessible from your application server. Sometimes I do 
>>> this by installing psql on the application server and trying to connect to 
>>> the db server with that. On AWS there are some network settings that need 
>>> to be tweaked to make sure that the application and db server can talk to 
>>> each other.
>>> The command to connect should be something like this:
>>> `psql -U username -h db_server`
>>> If this works, then add a postgis template to your db instance 
>>> (instructions for this can be found here <https://postgis.net/install/>) 
>>> and then try manually creating your project database from this template in 
>>> psql. This will get overwritten when you run setup_db/load_package in 
>>> Arches, but sometimes Arches likes to see that there is already a database 
>>> there.
>>> If things are still not working at this point then double check your 
>>> settings/settings_local.py file.
>>> Arches does not require that you have postgres server installed on the 
>>> application server, but it is usually helpful in these situations to have 
>>> the psql client installed - which requires you to select a version you 
>>> would like it to work with.
>>> I hope this helps. Post back with any updates or additional info.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Ryan
>>> On Wednesday, April 14, 2021 at 10:51:21 AM UTC-7 Markus S. wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Does anyone have experience installing Arches 5.1 using two servers, 
>>>> one for the web server/app and one for the PostgreSQL database? I'm 
>>>> looking 
>>>> at doing that on Azure. It does not seem as simple as just setting the 
>>>> database server host name and port in the settings file (I tried it). 
>>>> Furthermore, the Arches app installation process seems to require the 
>>>> Postgre 12 dependency on the app's server, implying that the default 
>>>> expectation is that the db and the app reside on the same server.
>>>> Any tips on this would be appreciated.
>>>> Markus
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